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  • smart man. i wouldn't let it out either. I do like the tight stuff! I'm 46 years old and cant go fast anymore like the gncc's but I can still singletrack it.
    Yea for sure. If u like tight tight trail its awesome. Not very many people know about it and i keep it that way.
    Yeah, he has his posse for sure. I will have to see about this weekend. I work for Verizon Wireless and we are hitting a busy build out time over here in this market. my work sched is normally flexible but we are hitting it pretty hard right now. I'll have to stay in touch as I would like to ride with ya.
    Ive rode w danny alittle. He has so many guys that ride w him that i havent invited him to ride. I told him to find sum time to check it out w out all those guys but he never got back ahold of me. I rode the loop today w kent and mike moore from lawrenceville. They loved it. Next sat if my knees ok im riding. Your welcome to join.
    Yeah I heard they reclaimed a lot of that in lynnville. do you know Matt bennet or Danny coultas? I ride with them some. mostly Matt.... can't keep coultas in sight. would like to come check out your single track sometime but I due to work I won't make the boonville race.
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