Recent content by benj565

  1. B

    Favorite Pre-Mix Oil

    I got some Ipone 2R today (the 'top of the line' stuff, not the strawberry smelling stuff), will test it tomorrow and report back. Spiffy looking bottle.. Looking for an alternative to TTS.. i like to mess around with things.
  2. B

    Favorite Pre-Mix Oil

    I run Castrol TTS. always have. tiny bit of splooge, but otherwise good. Its cheap, easy to get, and never had any issues.
  3. B

    Gearing Database - Please add your information

    Bike year: 2013 model: fantic tr250es (90% GG, if we're being honest) mods: Jetting (N3CJ needle, 40pilot, 178main) Gearing: 12/48 Top speed: 120kmh-ish? what kind of riding do you do: Anything from sand whoops to hard enduro and enduro cross. Same as 13/52. It was easier and cheaper to change...
  4. B

    Speedo resetting often

    So, I just pulled the battery out, and there were small black arching marks where it makes contact with the speedo, which is pretty obvious that is the problem. Ive bent the little lug out a touch, and cleaned everything up, and put it back together with a little piece of rolled up electrical...
  5. B

    Speedo resetting often

    Thanks mate, I'll give that a go when I get home from mx. Cheers!
  6. B

    Speedo resetting often

    I changed the internal battery 2 months ago. To no avail. If it is a battery thing, it wouldn't do it while riding would it?
  7. B

    Speedo resetting often

    So, the trail tech speedo on my fantic (for all intensive purposes, all GG hard wear, ignition, wiring, etc.) has been resetting itself a lot of late, and the whole 888 display with everything on until I press mode. Has anyone else had this? All my connections are fine, and it seems to do it...
  8. B

    Lets talk tires!

    I'm currently running metzler six days extreme front and rear, and can't fault them. The rear has done 1000kms and is basically shagged, but that's the same as anything else I've ran. I'm thinking about try one of those mountain hybrids, but I'm not 100% convinced yet..
  9. B

    2013 250R overvolting

    Wow, that's full on. Mine doesn't blow globes, and I'm running a 55/60w globe I'm the stock headlight. I'm guessing it has to go through the headlight to somehow regulate voltage, but that's a pretty piss poor way to do it. Mine is registered, so the headlight and tail light stay on it mostly...
  10. B

    2013 250R overvolting

    Mine does similar. If my take my tail light off, it'll do weird things, and if I disconnect my headlight, my tail light only half works (only one side of LEDs work), and climbs above 14v easily.. My solution was to leave my headlight on... Not ideal, but eh.
  11. B

    Bogging and top end

    I'll 2nd that. N3cj is really nice. Nedw felt too smooth, I like that hit.
  12. B

    Bogging and top end

    Ditch the N1EF, theyre poo. Thats a scientific fact.
  13. B

    show off your GasGas

    Oh right, I'm near Marabel, literally just down the road. haha. I didnt think there were any GG riders around here.
  14. B

    show off your GasGas

    oh good. over here, we race Reliability trials, which are day and night races ranging between 6 and 24 hours, and we have to stay under 112db (FIM 2m max test) so we have to be very noise conscious or we dont pass scruiteneering. i try to stay under 106db, but want to cut my silencer down for...
  15. B

    Show your exhausts

    I don't even think a 17 front would fit. Clutch Slave cylinder, Among other things are in the way.