Recent content by Blambo

  1. B

    Front wheel bearing for 250 Pampera mk3 (2002)

    Hi All. The wheel bearing on the disk-side of the front wheel is the same as the 2 used in the rear wheel (6003, GG part BIE500118054). The bearing on the other side of the wheel is DIFFERENT. The GG part number (from page Chasis 3 of the parts manual) is BEP250218007. I can't find any...
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    Lower bearing replacement in Sachs rear shock

    Bearing info provided here The plain spherical bearing for the lower rear-shock bearing for a Pampera 2-stroke (125/250/280) is a GE12C/K4; mine is a KML brand. The inserts levered out ok, after which the bearing removal/insertion was mostly BAU. The only thing you can't do with a spherical...
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    Lower bearing replacement in Sachs rear shock

    Hi all, More Pampera excitement... There's heaps of slop in the lower bearing of my rear shock. If I lift the rear mud-guard it moves freely a few inches before there's any resistance (!). It's definitely the rear shock not the suspension-linkage bearings because I changed all of those last...
  4. B

    Wiring diagram for Pampera 2-stroke ? Trying to fit AC/DC converter

    Hi, I've bought an AC to 12v DC adapter so that I can charge my phone and/or run a sat-nav. So the question is, where shall I splice this into the loom ? Somewhere downstream of the voltage regulator would be good, if I knew what that looked like. Any suggestions most welcome as always. It's a...
  5. B

    Weird brake light problem. Pampera 2-stroke

    Getting the right part, a few words that may help For benefit of anyone who is replacing the pressure switch in their rear brake master cylinder... Most of the ones for sale on ebay are too long. You could turn one down in a lathe, or, look for one that says it's good for Ducati/KTM/Other...
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    Weird brake light problem. Pampera 2-stroke

    Replacing the pressure switch Yes, that's what mne looks like too. Looks like a Brembo logo and 4767 cast into the body. My experience with Brembo arts fpr my BMW Dakar has been been really poor (couldn't even buy a seal kit!) but there are plenty of 'std' ones on e-bay for not much money. Just...
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    Weird brake light problem. Pampera 2-stroke

    Brake light problem resolved in part, but a challenge remains Hi all, many thanks for your thought which were right on the money as always. This will teach me to work without my glasses in a poorly lit garage; I should have looked more carefully, but I still need some advice with the getting...
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    Weird brake light problem. Pampera 2-stroke

    Hi, My Pamoera 250 Mk3 and I, despite our advancing years, took part in a 100 mile Long-Distance-trial. There were a few things requiring attention after many falls in the event, including the brake light being on all the time. The Rear brake master cylinder had taken a whack, the wires were...
  9. B

    Front wheel not central

    more on the axle etc. The axle diameter steps down twice; the fist step positions the wheel by engaging withthe face of the wheel bering. The reduced diameter axle proceeds through the wheel and drops again, after butting against the spacer on the disk side of the wheel and the skinny axle then...
  10. B

    Front wheel not central

    GG UK dealer says all the wheel bearings are the SAME Hi, I am reliably infrmed, by a dealer who still owns one that the Mk3 Pampera has the same bearings in front and back wheels and the same on both sides. So, why is my wheel displaced to the side ? The position is determined by the axle...
  11. B

    Front wheel not central

    details of art numbers (interesting!|) Hi, It's a mk2 Pampera 250 (2002). I used AllBalls bearings, labelled for Pampera their part # 25-1135 Everything looks right, the brake works ok, but the wheel is just too close to one fork leg. Part numbers are interesting... The bearing numbers were...
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    Front wheel not central

    My front wheel runs WAY too close to the RH fork (left as seen from the front). I've taken it all apart and checked it against the parts diagram and logically and it's all 'correct'. So, what has changed ? It can only be that I changed the wheel bearings... If the RH bearing wasn't seated...
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    How to drain Pampera coolant

    The Pampera pump cover has 2 allen key bolts. Nothing else. I guess I just remove it...
  14. B

    How to drain Pampera coolant

    Those connections are crimped on, one-time use. Best left alone...
  15. B

    How to drain Pampera coolant

    Hi, Unlike the EC, there's no Service manual on-line for the Pampera 250 2-stroke (mine's a 2002 mk3). So, please can someone tell me how to drain the coolant ? The EC has a drain hole on the pump-cover, but the Pampera doesn't. Do I take the whole water pump cover off ? This seems logical, but...