Recent content by Cactus_Flat

  1. C

    Rieju S.A. acquires from Torrot the Enduro platform

    HAHAHAH the correct spelling is key here.... It's Rieju, I before E for motorcycles, E before I for busty anime :D
  2. C

    GasGas, New Investors

    Here's an interview with KTM's off road products manager, Joachim Sauer. He adds a bit of details, most of it stuff we already knew or expected, like KTM platform and WP suspension. He also mentions they may fetch a lower price than their orange and white cousins He does also say that the new...
  3. C

    GasGas, New Investors

    That's all a bit dramatic... Zarco never gelled with the KTM, it happens. If you follow motogp you can see that not every rider melds with every bike and it can take a very long time to get settings for an individual's style. Look at Lorenzo, multi time world champ, goes to Ducati and barely...
  4. C

    Lars Enockl Leads a Talented Field

    James Flynn came in 25th in Saturday's amateur TKO 2 to qualify for the first pro race on Sunday. He, along with most of the amateurs that made it, got knocked out in TKO 1 on Saturday. Not bad for a kid from the desert, though!
  5. C

    2019 Gas Gas updates

    I think you're SOL on the ECR Rick, best to just pretend you didn't even know it existed if your timeline won't match up. I still don't see why you'd favor an X trainer with any list of mods over the 18/19 GASGAS EC 250/300 for our deserts/race season. And since you mention it, the YZ 250 plan...
  6. C

    Poll 2019 KTM XCW 300 TPI 6 Days

    Just found this, TX has a carb... You can see it in the pic at the first link, and scroll all the way down the page in the second link and the mikuni carb is listed in the TX's details
  7. C

    Poll 2019 KTM XCW 300 TPI 6 Days

    That's an Australian article, do they have the TX line down there? As far as I know, there's been no mention of of the 2019 TX's in the US, but I'd guess that they'll still be carburated like their KTM counterpart the XC. As for the air bubbles, I'm not sure how much of a worry there is. It's...
  8. C

    2019 Gas Gas updates

    Maybe a bit less weight and redesigned e start like the other brands. If the current e start proves to be pretty reliable long term, that's less of a concern. Counterbalancers and EFI 2Ts are far from necessary, certainly nice, but I'd love a cheaper lighter bike without those things...
  9. C

    Do-Overs !!! I sold my Gasser. :(

    Hey Jacob, I see you're in the Valley too. How are you liking that 2018 out here? Have you made any changes to the bike beside guards? Suspension? Thanks!
  10. C

    Do-Overs !!! I sold my Gasser. :(

    I'm of a similar preference to you. I'd love a big 4t back up bike to do the occasional big mileage day or maybe tag along on a baja trip, but it's just too much $$ to spend for a bike to mostly sit. I (and my wife) love phoenix for what you mention, the ability to crank out a good ride in 3-4...
  11. C

    Do-Overs !!! I sold my Gasser. :(

    So 2 strokes are back in the running again for ya Rick? Those new gassers sure are tempting. If you like smooth and controllable, you might give some consideration to the Sherco 2ts as well. Very mellow characteristics, but I haven't ridden a new gasgas to compare yet. BTW moto center does have...
  12. C

    2018 Gasser GP300

    Take it with a grain of salt as they are also selling a product, but the fellas at RK Tek say the head on the GG 250 is very inefficient, with a lot of room for improvement. I have no first hand experience, but maybe something worth keeping in mind as you continue to dial in your bike.
  13. C

    Cross Training Enduro Skills 2018 GG Impression No big surprise, positive reviews from down under for the 2018 models. I'm curious if you guys with 18s would agree about the engine, the 300 being able to be ridden more like a 250 as it's not as punchy as other 300s?
  14. C

    Gasgas or Husqvarna

    I've heard nothing but great things about the earth X batteries, I was just speculating as to why your bike may have come with something other than the stock battery. BTW, since you have experience with both, care to give some comparisons between the '17 kato 250 xc and your new gasser?
  15. C

    Gasgas or Husqvarna

    When I asked the local dealer here in Mesa, AZ if they had experienced any issues with the starter post upgraded leads, he mentioned that they had switched to a better cold cranking battery (so presumably not a Li battery) on their personal bikes. Maybe they did this with the demo you got so it...