Just thought I would update my last post. I ended up buying a 90degree torsion spring from TrueValue hardware. It was 75 cents[p# 88042]. The cost was irrelevant. I just did not want to replace the spring with the failed one originally used.
Anyway, this spring had 2-2"legs I bent one leg to the...
Thank you Jim.
After pulling a good spring from one of my parts bikes. I didn't want to dis- assemble a complete motor for a one dollar part but I really wanted to see what the original spring looked like. Isoon realized that the spring fractured because the torsion spring used by GG has a...
Thanks for the reply. But not a drz part. The cylinder and the heads from the drz will fit but the innards due to six speed vs 5speed are not the same. I assume whoever made the shifting barrel for the 450 also made the spring. Sad part is that the ktm part is almost a fit and its cost is $...
Need a small part for my 2004 fse 450. It's the small spring Listed in the parts manual section Shift cam.It's item 16 and is listed as the gear fasten spring. Most all bikes that use barrel shifters use this type of setup to keep the barrel in place between shifts.
Since most all bikes use...
Don't know if the 2007 is any different than the 2004 but, the 2004 came with the old style DRZ 400 CCT. I replaced my GG CCT with an extra 2006 CCT I had on hand last year. Fit and worked just fine.
After further looking I did find the original link. It was from something I saw on the Supermoto Junkie website
This was where it was and their still seems to be a bunch of manuals there, so I assume it's still there.
Can't seem to find it either. I downloaded it about 3 years ago from info found on this site. Must have been taken down.
It was called GG svcManEngineFse2002,2003. It was just for the early engine but it did have the timing information as a line drawing that was not included in the 2004 manual...
The GG FSE 2003 service manual which is downloadable has one of the best guides to valve timing. It is the only GG manual I've seen with it clearly explained. It's even better than my DRZ service manual.
Don't know what took me so long to try it. I had been using a YTZ7-S which is a little larger than what the stock battery was but it really never provided enough power to be used as a reliable starting source.
Anyway, I was going to start up one of my 450s after a couple of months of it just...
Just wondering about other GG models and other bike rotors as well.
Except for the KTM rear rotors,what other rotors share the hole spacings of the early 450 front rotors?
Who has a good selection of pre 2005 450 parts?
Mostly I've been replacing the GG parts with DRZ parts. But was just wondering what to do about some of the more model specific items.
My last DRZ purchase was to use the DRZ oversize bore [95mm] headgasket it was easier to find than the GG...
Armor all as mentioned above is good. But, one of it's components Silicone is the thing.
Been using Silicone spray for years. Use it to keep my chains lubed and clean and always use it to remove and install tires. If I do run into a problem tire which hardly ever happens to me any more I just...
Never seen this before but my 2004 450 FSE Front rotor split at one of the slots. Split at the top of the slot and at the bottom . This caused the rotor to spread out with a 1/8" space.
Didn't happen when I was riding so there was no accident. I did not hit the rotor with anything as I was...
DRZ kickstart lever does not fit. The tooth pattern is different. Last time I looked at it I thought that using the piece with the teeth from the GG and another longer lever might work.
Since you are going to get another lever, You might want to see if the later model GGs had a longer lever...