hi anyone know the boyesen part number for the power reeds for a ec200 (2005)
also snap my speedo pick up cable at a place where i can repar it dose anyone know of a replacment from anywhere eles as gg quoted ?70!!
wish it had been my wiring as 1st thing i looked was that switch is here so just going to plug it all in and re wire the brake lights with better connectors and hopfully she be mint
manage to get somtime to work on it at the weekend i took all the lights off inc the brake switch went for a hour off road ride no fault so it looks to be in the elec for the brakes. so i will re wire them and take it from there as it turn out the brake light had 3 lots co connectors to make the...
good thinking but did that 1st time it happend as i had that happen on my old rs.
dose the reg have anything do with the coil or dose the reg power just the lights as the lighting system works fine and dont flicker on tickover. as im thinking just buy a coil and see if that works a ?20 isnt...
it feels like it wants to rev but then surgus then it will rev then just gets worse till only give 1/4 power it happens when the bike is warm but at random lenghts of time like to day after 10mins of runing on then 10mins of riding but last sunday happen after 1 hour ride.
no idea what jet in it but were pritty flat round here and its been runing in the snow and in the summer heat with the same jet and never done it befor it
just taken all the lights off and the bar switch and still the same issue i gone point to point on every wire with the tester and no joy
hi wonder if anyone can help me ec200 playing up
whats happing is the bike will run fine when cold anywhere from 15mins to a hour when hot then it will start not wanting to rev neer top end of revs and will then start to lose more revs till it will only give 1/4 throttle but idle fine. I think...