Recent content by d2w

  1. d2w

    Trick to torque recessed cylinder nuts

    Here's a trick one can use to torque nuts which you can't redily access; applying the torque through an arm 90 degrees to the torque wrench is equivalent. So in the case of the recessed forward cylinder nuts in my ec300 I engage the nuts with the closed end of a 13mm box end wrench, and then I...
  2. d2w

    Cylinder marking or piston marking?

    Folk, It's time (200hrs) to do a top-end job on my EC300, but I'm confused about which piston size to get. The marking on the back of the cylinder is "A" while the marking on the OEM piston is "B" (22502-33). I plan to buy a Wossner piston, but for which size? I'm sorry (for me) but I don't...
  3. d2w

    Good Dirt Bike Phrases For Out side My New Box Trailer ?

    I spent half my life's earnings on women, booze, and dirt bikes; the rest I just wasted. I'm religious; every Sunday I pray at the church of dirt. D2W Sent from my SM-T310 using Tapatalk
  4. d2w

    new to GG

    Steve, welcome to the Gas Gas family. If you have time to ready your bike before next weekend, there's a group gathering and ride scheduled just south of Seattle. As for the second expansion pipe, if it seems to have more external plumbing connections it's likely the "road" pipe with a...
  5. d2w

    Gas Gas meet n greet ride 3!

    :( Well, I'm having to relunctantly pass on this ride; a change to a business trip and the wife's schedule just won't let me attend. I hope that y'all have a great time. Please take some video and/or pictures of the fun. Again, I live in Summerland, B.C., and can ride from my house for...
  6. d2w

    Left hand rear brake???

    I have no direct experience with the following :rolleyes: but I've heard that on a standard Rekluse the manual clutch has little effect when the engine/clutch are fully engaged (say, under the conditions of a run-away throttle). So it may be the case that a manual clutch will have minimal...
  7. d2w

    Left hand rear brake???

    I originally tried the Rekluse dual setup, but I too couldn't rid it of the spongy feeling; squeezing the lever also pumped up the foot pedal and so reduced the effective rear braking. I ending up removing the pedal from the system altogetehr, and I couldn't be happier with the result. I'm able...
  8. d2w

    Gas Gas meet n greet ride 3!

    Do we need any type of permit or license to ride on your trails in Washington? I'm just used to "gas up and go" from my garage in B.C. :) Any can someone please provide a map and/or the GPS coordinates to the trail head/parking area? Thanks. Dale
  9. d2w

    Gas Gas meet n greet ride 3!

    So, is this riding area near Gig Harbor? My wife may have a course to attend in Gig Harbour on that weekend, and I may be able to tag along under the pretense of a romantic get-away and ride. ;) What level of difficulty of riding do you suspect we'll encounter? Basically, are you planning for...
  10. d2w

    2006 exhaust has a Catalytic converter?

    My (Canadian) '06 EC300 came with such a pipe in addition to the non-catalytic pipe. As a spare, I modified the cat-pipe as you described; I scored the pipe perpendicular to my cut-line, sawed through the pipe, removed the catalytic canister (about 6cm in diameter and 7cm in height), realigned...
  11. d2w

    milky tranny fluid

    I'm watching this thread intensely as I too have a GG ('06 EC300) which seems to experience milky (Rotella) tranny fluid. I run Evans waterless coolant but experience no significant loss. I ride in dry conditions (the Okanagan Valley in B.C.) and wash my bike using only a low-pressure garden...
  12. d2w

    Safari fuel tanks

    Maybe they just mean "Gravity"? :p
  13. d2w

    Safety equipment when riding alone?

    All, What safety equipment do you carry when you ride alone? I'm especially interested in "Call of Help" types of equipment (when cell phones just don't work). Do the SPOT-type systems work, or is a purpose-built Emergency Locator Beacon the only viable solution? I often ride alone, but this...
  14. d2w

    G2 throttle tube

    Exceptional customer service I'm a very happy G2 user. My 3 year old son recently "lost" the 400X cam I wanted to try, so I ordered a replacement cam (as well as a 300X cam). The cams arrived promptly, but I quickly found that the cams would not work/engage with my first generation tube (the...
  15. d2w

    CRD Pro Rider Enduro Bash Plate

    If you're prepared to do a little re-engineering (with a mallet, a drill, and a counter-sink), I thnk you'll be happy with the Flatland Racing skid plate. Mine has worked well for me. But they may no longer be made. Not sure. I believe a B.C. company (Scorpion Racing?) makes a skd plate [and...