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  • 06-300 not running!

    My 300 is dying after several minutes of riding. Pulled the plug and no spark. Let it set for 5 minutes and it starts and runs fine then quits again. Has done this 3or4 times now. A little history. About 3 rides ago I rode into the trees and broke the little black box that is mounted to the coil. The parts finder calls it a regulator/ alternator. I disconnected it and rode 3 more times including a race. No problems. I also just put in a fresh set of rings but didn't unhook any wiring. Could I have fried my coil by disconnecting the regulator/ alternator? Any ideas ?
    Need new brakes on my 06-300. Roters are starting to feel quite grooved. What's the consensus out there , o.e.m. Roters ? Moose? Galfer? Any favorite brake pads? Opinions anyone?

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