Recent content by Demi

  1. D

    check engine light 2018 EC300 dash computer

    I didn't see it anywhere in the manual or I wouldn't have bothered making a post. Reading a PDF is a PITA at times. I never saw the light with the OEM or Ignitech CDI, only the JD box and it stays on.
  2. D

    check engine light 2018 EC300 dash computer

    Just to follow up, tried 2 other CDIs and the light does not come on at all... the CDI that throws the light has no running issues at all.
  3. D

    check engine light 2018 EC300 dash computer

    Hopefully it isn't that, then again a simple explanation may be the best! I will give it a look, thanks!
  4. D

    check engine light 2018 EC300 dash computer

    Thanks, it may have been there before, not sure. Will figure it out once it the bike is at temperature, etc. Thought it could even be that...? Seems to run fine for the minute or so o started it.
  5. D

    check engine light 2018 EC300 dash computer

    I noticed the iight being on during as brief start, no clue and I did try a search, came up empty. Started first kick and seemed to run well. Thanks for any and all help.
  6. D

    2021 gasgas EC 300 foot peg options?

    Which version of KTM pegs did you try? There is a difference between the enduro versions and sx models. They sure look like KTM pegs, be crazy if they had those separate from Husky/KTM since they share the same frames.
  7. D

    18 EC300 E-Start shaft removal?

    Sounds good Nate, appreciate your time and advice.
  8. D

    18 EC300 E-Start shaft removal?

    Great, thanks Jeff!
  9. D

    18 EC300 E-Start shaft removal?

    top bearing first, then pinion? paranoid that the gears won't catch properly... been a fiasco up til now.
  10. D

    18 EC300 E-Start shaft removal?

    thanks all makes more sense now that I have it apart. I ended up using a map gas torch to heat the top up hot enough instead of the heat gun, bearing came right out :cool: too bad I have a cobbed up cover now, pretty annoyed with myself. Knew it was something simple. Hopefully I can...
  11. D

    18 EC300 E-Start shaft removal?

    thanks Nate- I did drill center, managed to get the screw out with lots of work, the flange made it a job. I did remove that circlip, but cannot get that bearing out either. Lots of heat, banging it on the workbench, etc. didn't get anywhere. I still clamped the cover in a vise and the shaft...
  12. D

    18 EC300 E-Start shaft removal?

    I already drilled it sadly... I don't know why Nate. Put in a vise as well to hold it steady for the punch and hammer. The bolt appears to have a flange, so I don't know if that is holding it up, but if you and others have been able just pull, then I am clearly screwing it up. By most accounts...
  13. D

    18 EC300 E-Start shaft removal?

    I cannot get this removed... tons of heat, even drilled the back for the screw access and tapping didn't remove it either. All of this talk and it being a spare part, still in there. Pretty frustrated by this admittedly. Info and pix are really tough to find and no videos that I have found...
  14. D

    18 EC300 E-Start shaft removal?

    thanks Jeff, I will try heat again, saw this method probably in that thread after I posted. It was hot enough to be uncomfortable to touch, maybe a bit more? I actually thought about trying something along those lines of drill and tap, if Motocenter has done it, must work well enough.
  15. D

    18 EC300 E-Start shaft removal?

    How is this removed? I see there is screw in a parts fiche, but for the life of cannot find it? Wanting to put my eBay Russian kit on and have come to this road block. Thanks in advance!