Recent content by Dingo

  1. Dingo

    Such sad times for SA GasGas fans

    I'm going to ride a demo Beta 300 this weekend. Would really like a 2018 GasGas tho.
  2. Dingo

    Such sad times for SA GasGas fans

    It seems that GasGas's' days in South Africa are done. Nobody is showing any interest in promoting or taking on the brand despite the re=launch and the exciting developments with Project Phoenix. I even tried raising funds and spoken to existing dealers to try get a focused dealership going...
  3. Dingo

    Help ID the the model year of this bike?

    Hi I'm trying to establish what year this GG 300 is:
  4. Dingo

    Sa Gasgas Owners Register

    Back home After 7 odd years off bikes, my sons and I are back. I got myself a Husaberg FE 350, but couldn't get comfortable on it, so Ive just gone back to GasGas. Name: Martin Location: Eston, KZN Bike: '10 EC 300 email: Cell: 071 593 1712 Alt Number: N/A...
  5. Dingo

    power valve rattle not chain slap

    Ditto, I have that at low speed.
  6. Dingo

    Bad Knees?

    Ok, I'm not joking here, but my doc gave me a tub of blue ointment that they use on horses when they sprain their joints. Maybe its the same stuff? Now I just by it from the local horse doctor! Its cheap! I take a tub and they scoop it in. He makes it himself, but says they use it worldwide...
  7. Dingo

    no preload spacers

    Here is a link to the article:
  8. Dingo

    questions for EC 300 owners?

    If you just do your routine maintenance, the Gasser will reward you with total reliability. Cant go wrong.
  9. Dingo

    Quick Gearing Question

    What I did discover, after orderting a front 12T, is that my bike shipped stock with a 12T. Grrrr :mad: So Ive now ordered a 52T rear,which will give me what I am looking for. Wonder why they gave me a 12/48 stock.... Hmmmm.
  10. Dingo

    Anyone have the new ec 515 2009 ?

    Ditto. I defiantly need to got onto a big thumper, and would love to stay with GG!
  11. Dingo

    Quick Gearing Question

    Never mind, Matts charts explaind it all.
  12. Dingo

    Quick Gearing Question

    Howdy My '07 EC300 is currently running a 13 - 48 sprocket gearing. What will the effect be if I go 12 - 48? My logic (which is dodgy thanks to hitting a lot of trees) says that should be the same as 3 teeth up on the rear? Thanks
  13. Dingo

    wtb kick starter

    A Yamaha YZ 250 fits.
  14. Dingo

    Will the newer model plastic fit older bikes?

    I did a conversion on my sons '06 EC125. The rear will not fit without a whole new subframe which in all is huge $$$. BUT, you can get a Polisport rear mudguard, and it looks pretty good IMO. I have ordered a set of Hyde swingarm protectors, a set of the full cycra handguards in black, and Im...