Recent content by dlscjs

  1. D

    WTB: .46 fork & 5.5 shock springs

    I'm ready to buy a set of .46Kg fork springs & 5.5 shock spring for an '05 ec300. Anybody have some they would like to sell?
  2. D

    Static Timing

    Just finished up the install of an Electrex 190 watt, 3 phase stator, with a modified Trail Tech KTM flywheel (required considerable machining). Was able to set the timing using a timing light, while I turned the crankshaft @ 400 rpm with an air drill (while the spark plug was grounded)...
  3. D

    Static Timing

    Does anyone know how to set the static timing on the 2 stroke gas gas (05 EC300)? I can't find any reference marks on the engine, or the stator backing plate.
  4. D

    wanted: 2k-3 flywheel

    Need a flywheel for the Kokusan 2k-3 ignition.