Recent content by eff

  1. eff

    LTR Lowering Links

    Price is negotiable. Make an offer. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. eff

    LTR Lowering Links

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. eff

    LTR Lowering Links

    I have a used set of 126MM LTR Lowering Links for sale. Took these off my bike when I had my suspension lowered professionally. Asking $75. Thanks for Looking. Ed
  4. eff

    Rieju S.A. acquires from Torrot the Enduro platform

    From the looks of it, GasGas will not be in the Enduro market at all with red wrapped KTM's.
  5. eff

    GasGas hiding in Amsoil magazine

    I didn't notice that when I flipped through my copy. Nice pick up. Sent from my Pixel using Tapatalk
  6. eff

    gear fasten spring.What can be used as a replacement

    Not many of us have the 4 strokes. I seem to recall that the motor has some commonality to the suzuki motor. Maybe try and cross reference some microfiche. I may be way off too but thought I would throw it out there. Sent from my Pixel using Tapatalk
  7. eff

    Chain roller

    The stock roller is the way to go. Simple and it works.
  8. eff

    Newer Plastic on Older GasGas show your bike

    Makes me want to do my 2004. Nice work Sent from my Pixel using Tapatalk
  9. eff


    Welcome to the site and to your new GasGas project. Sent from my Pixel using Tapatalk
  10. eff

    Spains focus for North America

    Wow. Nice to see such commitment and effort. I'm sure it will begin to show returns. Sent from my Pixel using Tapatalk
  11. eff

    Air box wash cover for 2006 EC????

    A cover for a 2000-2001 CR250 should work fine. Sent from my Pixel using Tapatalk
  12. eff

    I put my first mile on my yz250f 300 gasgas swap bike!!!

    Looks like you need to find an 18" rear wheel now. Nice work. Sent from my Pixel using Tapatalk
  13. eff

    Ohlins guide sleeve- Where to buy?

    Not sure what the part is or if it in stock here: Have you contacted and suspension shops?
  14. eff

    what would you do?

    Question is what does your gut tell you in the absence of going through all the plug chop testing? Where do you feel that is is too rich? Read through here -> for additional ideas
  15. eff

    what would you do?

    So you are not too far off from my year. Here is what I am running: Bike year & model = 2004 DE250 Temperature (degF) = 35 - 50 degF Elevation (feet) = Sea level to 1000 ft Main jet = 178 Pilot jet = 48 Needle & notch = LTR -0 #4 Air screw setting = 2-2.5 turns out Throttle valve/slide = #7...