Recent content by gasgasbloke

  1. G

    450 FSR Tires

    G'day All, I've done a fair bit of homework on this, so am really just asking for real life experience from people with the tire choice that's worked well on their 450 4S. I'm riding hard rocky trails with lots of ruts, deeply rutted hills, but their are also plenty of muddy bog holes as well...
  2. G

    New Gas Gas Owner

    Mate, I just want to point out that I have absolutely NO problem with Deano, nor do I connect him with the dramas I've has in even the remotest way. Also he was MUCH nicer to deal with than your average nth qld business (just finished 10 years in Mackay, the absolute HOME of shithouse customer...
  3. G

    New Gas Gas Owner

    OK, So I went down to mud n tar today to pick up a new radiator cap, and by chance he had "engine ice" on the shelf. He told me my cap looked fine but I bought a new one any way just to be sure. Rod also recommended Liquid Intelligence but didn't have it in stock. My problem with that...
  4. G

    New Gas Gas Owner

    Cheers both of you for the advice. I've heard that the Toyota red long life coolant (NOT the pink super long life) mixed at 50% is the good thing in a trailbike ome of the most aluminium friendly/silicate free coolant available. Dealer actually has a new OEM cap in stock, so I'll grab it and...
  5. G

    New Gas Gas Owner

    Mate I have...but don't know what I'd be looking for as it looked OK. I checked that the rubber washer wasn't damaged, wiped the seat in the radiator with a rag and checked that the spring was "springy". But I've got no problem with getting a new one as part of a process of elimination. It's...
  6. G

    New Gas Gas Owner

    Well she's done 3 big rides without breaking down now, so hopefully my new bike teething problems are out of the way. I do like the bike, and it seems to do all I need to do. Speedo is still buggered, I'm just going to live with that. One problem I am having is boiling, but I'm not losing any...
  7. G

    New Gas Gas Owner

    Cheers mate, I'd had a few beers last night and did blow it out my arse a bit. I also rang and had a bit of a go at the importer who was silly enough to give me his card at a trade show. Must have hit home cos the local dealers wife rang me today to get my details and arrange to bring it in...
  8. G

    2014 4t

    Yes, it has a thermo fan standard on my 2011. That's still working:)
  9. G

    New Gas Gas Owner

    Cheers, It's not that it's to hard or won't push on, it's quite soft actually and will push right up the the stops on the throttle body. When you tighten the clamp it just rolls the rubber boot off the throttle body every time, never seen one like it. Normally you'd be struggling to pull the...
  10. G

    New Gas Gas Owner

    If you're talking about Bits for Bikes in Cairns, that's the one I've got. And it's being nothing but a pain in the fkn arse. There's something going on with the whole airbox and rubber either side of the throttle body, this time the airbox pulled off. It's like it's not made to suit the...
  11. G

    New Gas Gas Owner

    Sorted!!! I took it down to our local dealer (Mud&Tar at Wauchope) and he said he's have a look. As I was about to drive out he called me back. The throttle body had pulled out of the rubber boot where it joins the head. We both had a go and just couldn't push it back in, it would not go...
  12. G

    New Gas Gas Owner

    Sure mate, Move this thread if you like. I've just been on the phone to the dealer and he was alright. One thing we noted was that the fuel pump was "gurgling" and bubbling. The top of it was just exposed a but, still 75% full of fuel, and when I was trying to start it there was bubbles...
  13. G

    New Gas Gas Owner

    No worries, thank you. I have searched and read the posts here fairly extensively. It seems to mostly refer to flooding issues, and I've gone through the motions there with no result. The plug looks pretty good to me and she was running really well until she stopped. I've also charged the...
  14. G

    New Gas Gas Owner

    Hi All, I'm a new Gas gas owner In Australia, returning to trail bike riding as part of my mid life crisis and because I live near some great country for it. I was going to go a DRZ400, but found a new old stock/never started 2011 450 for an amazing price with full warranty and a dealer in my...