Recent content by gasgasnz

  1. G

    selling up

    Good luck, a change can always be good and theres a lot 2 see all round nz but every were u go you going 2 be lookn at all that riding u are missing out on! Think ya need to strap that gasgas to the back of that caravan
  2. G

    New To Gas Gas

    try Linton at dirt action in christchurch he seems to have more parts in stock than the wholesaler
  3. G

    300 or a 250!???

    I think standed gearing would help smooth things out for you? my 2011 300 with standed gearing, 180main, 38 pilot and jd red is super smooth, chuck on a trials tyre and you too will have found what I think is pretty much the holy grail:D
  4. G

    Hyde Skidplate

    are you fitting this to a 2010 OR 11 model? as I'm pretty sure they don't make one for these yet but is surpose to coming soon, there early model will fit but does leave gap between the pipe and guard. Ive fitted one to my 2011 and it is like that, will just sell it when they make the new model...
  5. G

    trail tech vapor for 2011 ec 300

    take it you mounted it were the key is, were did you remount that or have you removed it now?
  6. G

    First ride on my set up 2011 XC 300E

    cool write up, sounds like a happy gasgas owner, by the way Linton at dirt action can be contacted at
  7. G

    2011 GasGas EC 300e

    sorry to hear about your troubles and hope your helps out to sort them out, footpegs I understand I replaced my before even riding, never heard of a broken kickstart on anything but a very old bike really sounds like bad luck? but to tell the truth I have not even used mine yet the bike has...
  8. G

    Very nearly perfect 2011 XC 300!

    I'm running a 180 main 38 pilot and a red jd needle. I've also just noticed on the carb cap next to the were the cable goes there hex shaped hole that has 36 stamped in the bottom of it.
  9. G

    Very nearly perfect 2011 XC 300!

    I was sure here in new zealand we got the same model 300 e-start as you guys in the usa so would be interesting if one of you could have a measure up of your carb? and wonder if the euro model that they and australia get is the same?
  10. G

    earthquake central!

    things slowly improving but sure going to take a long time! my house pretty bad and its wait and see if its pulled down or repaired but at least I can live it till they decide, I'm lucky tho I'm one of the people that just really gets busy at work when this sort of thing happens, o and I got to...
  11. G

    Very nearly perfect 2011 XC 300!

    probably should of added that here in new zealand the only 2011's we got were the 300 e-starts, Ive pulled out my carb and 1 other out and they are 36mm even tho the spec's do say 38?
  12. G

    earthquake central!

    thanks guys it really is huge! dont think we will have water or sewage working for days or more like weeks, thankfully at least I got power and a roof over my head and my gasgas of course;)
  13. G

    Very nearly perfect 2011 XC 300!

    they changed from a 38 to 36 mm carb, or at least all the 2011's that came to nz have a 36.
  14. G

    earthquake central!

    well my house was sitting right on top the latest earthquake here in new zealand, the good news the 2 week old gasgas in the shed is fine :)didnt even fall of the stupid side stand which I aint got round to mod'ing yet, cant see me getting a chance to rided it for while now tho:(
  15. G

    Scorpion Racing Radiator frames on E Start

    Cool, nice write up was thinking of a set of these, will go ahead now, cheers