Recent content by Gasgasogeros

  1. G

    APT SmartCarb

    if i see corect the dyno chart of sc give 5hp more from keihin pwk this can have with exhaust very easy doma can add more hp or try tillotson carb with hi end low abjust on the size of carb for easy abjust
  2. G

    APT SmartCarb

    Euro bikes needs euro carb try amal, bing,end delorto, :D:D:D
  3. G

    made in greece

    backys power cells :D
  4. G

    EGT (Exhaust Gas Temperature)

    hi i have test my bike with egt because i have elot oil out of exhaust and find this on needle section can see about 200-350 c and in wot about 650-700 c with pilot 42 , needl dj blue on 3 off the top ,and main 182 on 300 ec 2004 end thermostat on bike:D
  5. G

    JD jetting Kit am I missing the thread on it?
  6. G

    simple carb fuel level tool

    hi the best way for find the correct fuel level for me , i think on every type of carb, it to set the fuel level 5mm down on overflow coper tube :D
  7. G

    APT SmartCarb

    sc manual hi corey where can find , end download manual for smart carb i need more info about this thank
  8. G

    P.C Pipe for a GasGas?

    p.c pipe :)
  9. G

    float height sanity check

    try this
  10. G

    katerini greece enduro event
  11. G

    enduro-7th-enduro-of-pindos-grevena-greece-2012-video! for Jacobi:D
  12. G

    sigoura exi diafora sti katanalosi den exei kamia parenergia pigene sto 1.6 mm ego eime sto 1.1...

    sigoura exi diafora sti katanalosi den exei kamia parenergia pigene sto 1.6 mm ego eime sto 1.1 exei poli simpiesi xoris na barai pirakia
  13. G

    Rad valve convesrion

    Hi i have read many treads about reed replace , the boyesen rad valve wear easy because the reeds plate contact with aluminum case , the boyesen rad valve have the most Leaking air for me, back to carb , for this destroy the reed , common the fat reed plate with sub ports , because air...
  14. G

    Somebody from Greece?

    Μη μιλατε φωνακτα θα σας ακουση ο ιατροδικαστις χιχιχιχιχι το κτμ 200 ειναι το καλυτερο, μουσι........:d