Recent content by GasGasRider_

  1. G

    Gas gas ec 300 2014 problem

    I will see , but this is doing only when the bike is cold and then bike work normaly
  2. G

    Gas gas ec 300 2014 problem

    Hi, i have this problem and i do t know what can be i think i somthink about eletric but i dont know. There is new ignition coil and spark plug
  3. G

    Gas gas ec 300 cylinder

    Hi, im looking for gas gas ec 300 cylinder
  4. G

    Gas gas ec 300 2014 water pump cover

    I think they have only for new models
  5. G

    Gas gas ec 300 2014 water pump cover

    Hi, does anyone know where i can buy gasgas ec 300 2014 water pump cover
  6. G

    Magnetic flywhell, starter sprocket

    Hi, i looking for gas gas ec-e 300 - 2014 magnetic wheel, starter sprocket and if anyone have this think on link
  7. G

    2005 Gas Gas EC 300 part out

    Hi do you have magnetic wheel
  8. G

    ec 300 2014 water hoses

    Hi, im looking for gas gas ec 300 2014 water hoses. I am from Croatia. Or anybody know store for buy hoses exept enduro puro. Ty
  9. G

    2013 EC300 Part Out

    Hi, does this bike have electric starter sistem. I need magnetic wheel and starter sprocket for 2013 ec-e model
  10. G

    Gas gas ec-e 300 2014 radiators

    Thank you for help and when you pass some hours on they text me in how condtition are they
  11. G

    Gas gas ec-e 300 2014 radiators

    Hi, i bend my right radiator and i saw it fit from KTM. Does anyone know from what year it fit to gas gas ec 300 2014
  12. G

    Clutch question

    Hi, from witch bike fits clutch on gas gas ec 300
  13. G

    Battery problem

    Hi guys, i solve my problem, the problem was reg/rec. Thanks everyone for help.
  14. G

    Battery problem

    I was check possible solution. AC voltage from stator is 50-60V on normal throttle but on full throttle is 80/90V. Is this ok or to high
  15. G

    Battery problem

    Thanks i will check this, but one question. I have stator like this on my bike can i put different one on bike like this one...