Recent content by grich300

  1. G

    My recent e-mail to Clay Stuckey of Sherco Offroad

    I have owned eleven GG bikes. My first was a new '97 EC250, second favorite behind a '98 EC250. I rode enduros with the first US importer. I never had a mechanical failure. Only DNFs were from broken bones and aftermarket parts. I can't find reason to make any negative comments regarding these...
  2. G

    Riders bucket list

    Trans-American Trail
  3. G

    Paypal invoice sent to your email address for G2 throttle in the amount of $40. Thx, Gary.

    Paypal invoice sent to your email address for G2 throttle in the amount of $40. Thx, Gary.
  4. G

    USPS Tracking #9114999944313674505915

    USPS Tracking #9114999944313674505915
  5. G

    Assorted Parts
  6. G

    Assorted Parts

    All gaskets are sold. Thx, Gary
  7. G

    Assorted Parts

    More Assorted Parts More Assorted Parts
  8. G

    Assorted Parts

    PM sent. Thx, Gary
  9. G

    Assorted Parts

  10. G

    Assorted Parts

    PM sent. Thx Gary.
  11. G

    The radiator guards are still available. If you buy both, I'll let you have both for $160...

    The radiator guards are still available. If you buy both, I'll let you have both for $160 including shipping in US.
  12. G

    I still have it. If you will send me yur email address, I'll send you a paypal invoice. Thx, gary

    I still have it. If you will send me yur email address, I'll send you a paypal invoice. Thx, gary
  13. G

    Assorted Parts

    tri clamp/seat PM me with your email address.Thx, Gary.
  14. G

    Assorted Parts

    parts Have not received your PM. Please resend. Thx, Gary.
  15. G

    Assorted Parts

    Gaskets PM sent. Thx, Gary.