Recent content by hannesd

  1. H

    Lowered Base Gasket from .5 to .3, now bog at WOT

    tighten your pants ,she's gonna rip your arms off now! :D
  2. H

    Lowered Base Gasket from .5 to .3, now bog at WOT

    why change out the base gasket again instead of just the MJ? 188 seems very large, just look in the jetting database to get an idea. did you think of the powervalve operating correctly? if this problem started from when you took the cilinder off...
  3. H

    Lowered Base Gasket from .5 to .3, now bog at WOT

    i would also go down 1 size on the MJ
  4. H

    Linkage Issues EC 300 '18 and '19

    i plan on adjusting the play with a better quality bushing made to fit better/the least play possible, in case the bearings are still in good shape. the more play, the more everything gets hammered. so no play+ grease and a harder bushing should last longer. or maybe you're pressure washing that...
  5. H

    Sheared woodruff key

    as crank seal i'd go with a double lip seal...
  6. H

    2015 gasgas ec 200 for track use?

    one more thing, i'd like to change the power, to make it rev higher. it's got it's power from very down low but doesn't really like to rev to the moon like a 125 (wich it never will) but i feel there's more. to change the powervalve, i have this aluminium nut that covers the adjustment for the...
  7. H

    2015 gasgas ec 200 for track use?

    so today was trackday. all went super well, no problems whatsoever. fork settings, compression 6 from fully in, rebound about the same. rear compression maximum, rebound about 10-12 clicks from fully in. forks were bottoming out about 95% ,mayb e i'll add some oil in each fork to make a smaller...
  8. H

    Help please - strange noise EC 300-2019

    that first pic seems like showing a crack in the piston skirt :eek:
  9. H

    2008 EC250 Top End

    with the piston pin in the small end , you shoud not feel any play. if the hole is oval, you should get the con rod replaced :/ hope you can send the 250 piston back and swap it for a 300 piston?
  10. H

    My bike frightens me :)

    lower compression again but keep optimal squish clearance? heavier flywheel? make sure the PV opens later? or keep it in rain mode all the time ,untill you get used to it? or even better, get a 200, like i did. :-D
  11. H

    2015 gasgas ec 200 for track use?

    hi guys, i may try my 2015 ec 200 for track. what would you advise on changing. can i get a reasonable setting on the clickers to change from enduro setting to more oreinted for track use? front is marzocchi 48mm forks and rear has the Reiger shock (with the purple piggy bag). i'm just an...
  12. H

    Docs Thirsty Bike Discussion

    if you're going to get it adjusted, go for the best squish (if you also correct the compression). i seem to have been lucky with only a thinner base gasket in my ec200. went from 1.2mm to 1mm and runs better now. not too high compression, no detonation...
  13. H

    2018 XC300 No Spark

    it's not because the key broke, that the flywheel doesn't spin anymore. it does spin, and gives a spark, just not at the correct timing. you could even tighten the flywheel to its axle without a key (in the correct position as with a key) and it would run, just would get out of whack if you'd...
  14. H

    Docs Thirsty Bike Discussion

    8.34L/100km is real good, it won't get better then this. what's your current squish?
  15. H

    I do get crazy I can't get the bike to run lean

    i would go back to the single base gasket and jet according to the jettingchart here (or by your feel) without looking at spooge. then i'd look at what oil you're using, and look for an oil with lower flash point (wich is what i also need to do) my ec 200 has even more spooge, but runs superb! i...