Recent content by jdtriplett

  1. jdtriplett

    Oh my , upgrades to my 200 !

    Let me just say the vForce3 and smart carb upgrade were well worth the time .. :cool: now off to Emig & oem dirt bike for some new triple clamps and another YZ front for set .. (like my 300) BTW ... not bragging. If u ou have an '11 200 and would like to bring out its race game hit me up I'll...
  2. jdtriplett

    2011 ec200 six days

    So when you switched to the vForce 3 what intake manifold/ boot did you use during the conversion ? I am in the middle of switching mine and Not sure which way to go ?? :confused:
  3. jdtriplett

    Copeland now on a GASGAS!

    If you had tp pick a fast one , you got the right one .. That little girl (woman now) would blast by me during the long races back when I was in the C class..and believe me when I say she and Sarah Baldwin grew up riding together and are both high up in skill and speed categories at this point...
  4. jdtriplett

    HD sports cameras

    @StuJohnson : Sorry about your misinformation but a quick "Google" search would have shown you that the reopening of Contour occurred in February.. Just FYI: :D:p
  5. jdtriplett

    HD sports cameras

    Just do it ! Bast bang for the buck ...
  6. jdtriplett

    New Gasser in the shed!

    I thought 2012 was the the first year of the CC Marzocchi's ? :confused:
  7. jdtriplett

    Time for Front end change .. Questions to those in the Know ..

    Ok,guys I am sorry for getting back in the game on this thread .. I am working super long days and trying to prep two bikes for the 2014 Race season.. :( I actually talked to "Gary Emig" and he thinks that I should use the Showa's So now I am even more on the fence ... I am going to have him...
  8. jdtriplett

    Time for Front end change .. Questions to those in the Know ..

    Yeah John , I have located a pair SSS forks from a YZ .. I think im gonna get them Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
  9. jdtriplett

    Time for Front end change .. Questions to those in the Know ..

    OK , So I have read the Fork Conversion threads in this forum like 3 or 4 times each.. I am ditching the 45 Marzocchi front end on the `11 -300 Possibly on the `11-200 as well .. and I have a couple of questions. 1) On the `11, does anyone know the offset for sure ? is it 21 or 22...
  10. jdtriplett

    HuskY engines on Gas Gas ?? Looks Like we will be seeing the gas Gas Four-strokes in the US Now ..!!??? As far as the twp strokes ?? Not sure what to say about this ......o:cool:
  11. jdtriplett

    urgently needed

    did you think about having a machinist / millwright make you one?
  12. jdtriplett

    300 carb sizes?

    Lets not forget that an engine even the one on your gasser is an air pump so the more air you can get through it, the More power it makes ! 36-38, they will both work just fine although the jetting may be a little trick with one or the other depending on which model is getting what ...
  13. jdtriplett

    Am I crazy or?????

    You know crazy is a subjective statement and some of us here my be offended by that !!!!! ROFL ... Certainly you are a unique thinker you ride a gasser .
  14. jdtriplett

    IT Tech help

    Personally , I use Microsoft Security Essentials for my server and our workstations on a day to day basis. What you have sounds like a malware issue which I would refer you to "Malwarebytes" software for that. You may need to get a tool or two to get rid of the malware problem, and if you are...
  15. jdtriplett

    Anyone use a bead buddy??

    can't do a tire change without ! If I could only find my spoons :D