Recent content by Marcão

  1. M

    Loose frame nut...

    Hi, At the end, the solution was a mix of some sugestions... I "glued" the nut to the frame using some loctite, then added a aluminium washer with larger ID and a "pressure" washer (black) to the alen bolt. It seems to be relatively firm. The problem now is the bottom of silentblock rubbing...
  2. M

    Loose frame nut...

    Thank you Phil and Cox76Y ! Both ideas are more or less in the same direction. I'll give a try tonight and will let you now the result !
  3. M

    Loose frame nut...

    That's the problem, Anders, to find the "popnut" and the proper tools down here where I live....:(
  4. M

    Loose frame nut...

    Hi, The M6 nut attached/pressed to the frame (sorry, don't know the right name for this kind of nut) where the upper pipe silentblock is fixed is loose (rotating on the frame), so it's not posible to torque it. Any idea on how to fix it ? kind regards, Marc
  5. M

    Squish adjustment

    Guys, Today I've finished the job... The squish now is exactly at 1,6 mm (on the outside border of the squish band and reaching 2,00 mm on the inside border). The jetting is now as follow: 175 Main 42 Pilot CCK Needle @ 3rd slot Slider #7 Air screw 1 3/4 out I haven't had the opportunity to...
  6. M

    Plastics Conversion - 2005 x 2011 - Airbox Issue

    Thanks for the comments. Besides new cosmetics I've added a set of new valve reeds, changed all oils and fluids, the gas of rear shock, new chain and sprocket, new chain slider and TM chain guide, Trimetal sprocket, cleanned the carb, a CCK needle and, most important, a machined head to adjust...
  7. M

    Plastics Conversion - 2005 x 2011 - Airbox Issue

    Finished... After roughly 2 months the conversion is ready. Considering that mechanically my bike was quite ok, the main reason for doing a conversion like this in Brazil is the price for a new bike. A 2012 EC 250 costs here around US$ 14.000 and I would get not much more than US$ 5.000 in my...
  8. M

    Squish adjustment

    Hi, Jakobi. Thanks a lot for taking your time for such a calculation. I've machined the head today and mesured the new squish. It's now 1,65 mm. For sure the compression increased (because I didn't reshaped the combustion chamber) but I hope withnin the limit. Considering that I'll be using...
  9. M

    Squish adjustment

    Jakobi, Unfortunatelly I cannot CC rhe chamber right now. Assuming the stock volume and imagining that I reduce the squish band to 1,6 mm, is it possible for you to estimate the future compression ratio ?
  10. M

    Squish adjustment

    Hello All, I'm right now spending some time to improve the visual and performance of my EC (it's originally a 2005 250 but converted into 300 a few years ago). So I've reached the point of modifying the head to get a better combustion and easy jetting. I have access to a Lathe and some...
  11. M

    What's this?

    The same part came with the kit I bought for converting my bike into a 2011... But I also have no idea what is this for....
  12. M

    Plastics Conversion - 2005 x 2011 - Airbox Issue

    Guys, One more simple question... Is there any rivet linking the front and the bottom cover of the airbox (parts 14 and 15 of the diagram) ? I've mounted them in the subframe and everithing is so tight and firm that I don't see the need of rivets...But would like to know how it's out of crate...
  13. M

    Plastics Conversion - 2005 x 2011 - Airbox Issue

    Gasgasman, The boot does fit the airbox front panel (inclusive the gasgas part number for the boot is the same for both years - 05 and 11). Lets see if I will find some problem when assembling the new air box to the subframe (which is also supplied with the kit).
  14. M

    Plastics Conversion - 2005 x 2011 - Airbox Issue

    Lonetree, I live in Brazil but working for a Spanish company, so I travel in a regular basis to Spain. I bought the kit at As far as I know they are shipping overseas. I've paid 359 Euros for the Kit. The link for the kits page ...
  15. M

    Plastics Conversion - 2005 x 2011 - Airbox Issue

    Thanks a lot Jakobi and jhendr3702. Now it makes some sense. I will disassemble the 2005 boot and see how it fits (in the mentioned way) to the new cover. Probably it will be necessary to apply some silicon in the lips...