Recent content by Monk

  1. M


    I disagree , fuel injection and oil injection on my xc250 are great . I've never had an issue . I still like my mr300 pro better but the injection is great
  2. M

    S3 head for ranger

    I went with a rk tek head , the deck heights are different between the ranger and the other models , that's why they say the s3 head won't fit the ranger
  3. M

    Rk tek head

    I have a mr300 ranger , I got my head from him set up for pump gas and single track and the bike is really good now . More power throughout more over rev . It always started good and still does but it doesn't need the choke as long and idles almost instantly. My cooling fan has not kicked on...
  4. M

    Fork upgrade

    Go to all balls racing , they have conversion bearings for about any setup. Type in your bike and the donor bike triple and fork set up .
  5. M

    TPI oil ???

    I have a 22 xc250 and run motul . It's also what I use in my 23 ranger 300
  6. M

    2024 models released

    Not a fan of the color scheme of the 24 pro model or the red seat on the ranger but the racing model looks amazing . I really love my 23 ranger 300.i hope the brand makes it .who cares where the dealer is now a days we order everything online anyway . I drove 31/2 hours to get my bike . It was...
  7. M

    Ranger for pro seat

    New York .
  8. M

    S3 head for ranger

    Just wondering if anyone has put an S3 head or a vhm for that matter . It says it does not fit my 2023 rieju ranger 300. I thought the ranger was the same as the pro with a different carb and pipe and powervalve setting.
  9. M

    2011 vs Ranger

    Old thread , but .......I have a '23 ranger that's got lots of cool things done to it and it's unbelievable. But the stock suspension is not good but can be great when you send it to factory connection . And I put a fmf pipe and adjusted the power valve . Lots of other stuff as well , but I like...
  10. M

    Ranger for pro seat

    Hey guys , recently bought a ranger and love it , as I am taller the seat is a little low . Hoping someone with a pro or racing that is wanting a lower seat would be interested in trading seats . I like everyone else is riding on a budget . That's about my only complaint with the bike . I added...