Recent content by msd808

  1. M

    Kauai,Hawaii Enduro Rides Part 2
  2. M

    hawaii extreme enduro freeriding
  3. M

    2000 200/250/300 parts

    i will take the clutch master, slave, and lever for $50. what about the rear brake pedal, i really need one of those. and how do i pay for the stuff.
  4. M

    small crack in case

    the magura said mineral oil only on the cap, just like my ajp(2010 ec300) but i just bleed with 2.5 fork oil anyway.
  5. M

    small crack in case

    last night i back bleed the clutch and it was exactly the same when done, so i had an extra magura master cylinder with the midwest mountain engineering easy pull lever on it and replace the stock AJP master cylinder with it, luckily it just unscrewed on the top and screwed in the magura. its...
  6. M

    small crack in case

    I just took the slave off in the trails, i didnt pop the spring and piston out at all, the chain was just jammed to hell, so i took the slave off, unjammed chain, and then put slave back on. I just got home from work, so i havent bleed the clutch yet. thanks for all the help and i will let you...
  7. M

    small crack in case

    my bike is a 2010 gasgas ec300, it says mineral oil on the cap, can i use fork oil or not.
  8. M

    small crack in case

    when you say pull it apart, do you mean take the piston out of the slave cylinder to check the o-rings, or just look without pulling everything out the housing. i JB welded the crack today and its fine, the slave does leak a tiny bit of oil when everything is tight, but the clutch feels springy...
  9. M

    small crack in case

    the cracks are about 1mm exactly aligned with the bolts in the slave gaurd, top right bolt hole has just a really small crack, so im scared to tighten too tight, i need to JB weld first, but no fluid is leaking out right now with everthing back together, but the clutch lever is kinda stiff, not...
  10. M

    small crack in case

    today i was riding and my chain came off and got jammed up, the threads on the case got a small crack on both sides, i have a 2010 ec300 and its pretty new, so i dont want to buy the whole case side. my clutch lever was a little harder to pull to, could that be from dirt or oil leaking out of...