Recent content by Ned

  1. Ned

    Feeler: Parting out 2005 GG EC300

    Stock seat and subframe....PM on it's way.
  2. Ned

    taking kids riding in OR- regulations? what do i need to do?

    Ha ha, funny one Paul. It's a toss-up between Gold Bridge and central high desert for a few days if I can make it happen. Appreciated Roscoe! Sorry I missed your recent ride... it's been a hard start to 2012 for riding the motorpickles. :mad:
  3. Ned

    taking kids riding in OR- regulations? what do i need to do?

    Two boys with WA tabbed bikes, the old man on his ec250 or trials bike. I recall there was some new safety reg's or some permit required. The quick 411 on that would be appreciated.
  4. Ned

    Gas Gas Meet n Greet Ride 5!

    Oh, what a privilege it is to mind someone else's kids :confused: If it makes you feel any better Paul, I have not been trail riding since December... ya, it's like that.
  5. Ned

    Thinkin bout a Gas Gas meet n greet ride

    Ya, I'm getting kinda fed up with wife/kids/work/house/dogs...sign me up. Congrats on the new bike J.
  6. Ned

    WTB: 45mm Marz forks

    I've got a set of '04 45's. Let me know if you want to discuss.
  7. Ned

    Top tube for 43mm WP

    I have a complete '04 Zoke fork if you want to talk.
  8. Ned

    Pine Forest

    How many days have you ridden this month Paul? Jebeesuz H, on second thought I don't want to know.
  9. Ned

    07 450FSR part out - rekluse - stabilizer - etc...

    I concur Ed is a great dude.
  10. Ned

    marzocchi forks 45mm

    $325 + ship
  11. Ned

    Way high in the cascades

    That rock was a chuckler. I see you've already killed the new blue front fender :D Heading out there this wekend with AJM to open up his eyes a bit to mountain riding.
  12. Ned

    marzocchi forks 45mm

    I have a set of 45's complete with fork clamps and steerer from a 2004 ec250. In good condition although one of the pinch bolts was stripped by previous owner of my bike. Let me know if you're interested.
  13. Ned

    03 fse 400 for parts

    Is this still available ? AJM needs to talk to you!!
  14. Ned

    Gas Gas Meet n greet ride 4!

    Thx for putting that clip together AJM. For your 4th or 5th ride I'd say things are coming along nicely! Time to put some time in on your mountain bike to get fit for when the snow comes off the high ground. :cool: