I just went through this with my 06. It had been doing it for the past two years, getting progressively worse. I rode the bike to the point that it would only kick over 1 out of 10 tries (or more on the last day). Was hoping to get it to winter, but that didn't happen. I replaced the spring and...
Yep. It's the skirt and you can't feel them.
Someone with a lot of experience with engine building figures it was just not cleaned well prior to coating.
Is this normal for the coating to come off like this? I know wearing off is normal, but I have not seen these blobby spots before...
It's an S3 top-end/cylinder kit. ~15h on it.
What do you think??
Originally bought for my 2006 EC250/300. Blue needle worked the best for me for the most power at sea level. I sold the bike with another needle in it.
Was used for maybe 8 hours total before selling the bike.
Complete kit with instructions $50 shipped
He used the complete wheel and spacers from an 89. 18". looks like wapr9 makes them, listed as 89-97, so I assume they are the same through those years. Spacers may not be the same as the gasser though...
I originally had a DDK in there and a 45 pilot. Did not try a 42.
I thought that because the idle screw was cranked, that meant that the pilot was rich. :confused: