Recent content by ohffs

  1. ohffs

    Newbie from UK

    welcome. im a noob myself not found a gas gas yet they all see to have had a rough life around my way. im from the uk too.
  2. ohffs

    1999 ec300 wont idle. uk

    it cuts out. you have to apply a bit of revs to stop it. i think the lads been running it on choke :-/
  3. ohffs

    1999 ec300 wont idle. uk

    went to look at one the other week and it wouldnt idle. im new to 2 strokes and dont like carbs. i am tempted to go and have another look and have a fiddle with the idle speed screw. do you think thats worth a go? I got him down to ?1000 its a bit tatty but seems ok other than this issue.
  4. ohffs

    hi from the uk. not yet a gas gas owner

    how do i check for up and down play on the crank? im brand spanking new to 2 strokes. what shoukd i be looking out for on a well used bike?
  5. ohffs

    2002 EC250 ?1500 ono UK

    still available?
  6. ohffs

    hi from the uk. not yet a gas gas owner

    thabks for the info folks. i missed the ec250 too. it was really tidy and so has set the benchmark as to what i can afford. too many dreamers out there with tatty bikes that think theyre worth a mint. Too many chavs that kick them up from cold and fly down thw street on the back wheel thinking...
  7. ohffs

    hi from the uk. not yet a gas gas owner

    hi. went to look at an old ec300 the other day but it was a bit rough. now found a 1999 ec250 and wondering if there are any major flaws in this model. obviously i know its a 14 year old dirtbike but money is tight and im pretty new to the sport. i will mainly be using it for practice days and...