Recent content by shawbagga

  1. shawbagga

    Linkage bearings!!!

    Remember what swingarm were mate?
  2. shawbagga

    Linkage bearings!!!

    Yeah they're the same size.
  3. shawbagga

    What did you do to your Gas Gas today?

    Force suck. How much was the battery?
  4. shawbagga

    Possible overheating

    Yep if coolant circulating then WP is fine. Run it without the cap on for a few minutes to get any air out. Don't rev it though!🤣👍
  5. shawbagga

    Poll: Would you buy a Rieju?

    They're coming mate don't worry.;)
  6. shawbagga

    Gas Gas trials future

    Gospel? Source?
  7. shawbagga

    Front Brake Disk Crossover?

    Yep also agree. Cheap(ish) too!
  8. shawbagga

    Front Brake Disk Crossover?

    Hmmmm I had one front & rear on me old Husky. Front wore out real quick but back was OK. They get mixed reviews.
  9. shawbagga

    Cracked rear hub on 2018 EC300

    Got 195 hours outta my rears Nate. Fronts still going! Picked & packed from new & fill behind seals every tyre change.
  10. shawbagga

    Cracked rear hub on 2018 EC300

    Mine is the same(2.5mm at top, 3.5mm at the bottom of hub) but not cracked after 260+ hours of logs & rocks. Will be keeping an eye on it.
  11. shawbagga

    Poll: Would you buy a Rieju?

    They've said the bikes will be identical(KYB/FMF etc) & will address GG issues(?). Suppliers are already in place for all the parts to build the bike so can't see them trying to replace known accessible parts with Chinese shit(especially ATM!). They've been around a long time just never been...
  12. shawbagga

    NOS Gas Gas EC Parts Lot! $70 w/US Shipping!

    Wow good deal!
  13. shawbagga

    Part help, swingarm chain slider EC300 2007