Recent content by steve

  1. S

    2016 ec200r

    I just got a video of one with gold rims, is this old news ? any input ?
  2. S

    GasGas Factory News ?

    Went on a little rant ,sorry . I hope GAS GAS will use KYB or anything but WP ,The suspension is my driving force to buy GG . If they go WP may as well by a Sherco ! did you ever here a KTM guy gush over his suspension and mean it ?
  3. S

    GasGas Factory News ?

    E-Bikes are blastphomey I will hug trees before I ride one ! The Greenies will hate them too so don't think that plan will work out ! Combustion or Nothing !!
  4. S

    Gas gas move to wp suspension ?

    Where I live in America WPs are the most costly and the most sent back to the tuner suspension ever , FC is getting close to a grand to revalve the junk ,$400 more than my last Ohlins / Marzook rebuild ! A owning 5 bikes with WP ,I'll never use the suspension again , it never was perfect , it...
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    Gas gas move to wp suspension ?

    Thats the picture but it didn't have all of the text , now I understand !
  6. S

    Gas gas move to wp suspension ?

    I just got an E-Mail from a friend with a picture of a 2016 proto type with WP ,worst performance , suspension on it ! I'm glad I have one of the last goo ones !
  7. S

    Clutch lever feels notchy only when engine is running

    Your clutch basket is chucking ! Filing is a band aid !
  8. S

    Has KTM bought Gas Gas?

    Your right on the worrying part , but KTM will scrap the enduroe bikes ,or do worse and throw WP on them, and just keep the trials division ,ready made just put WPs and KTM sticker on it ! Personally I would like to see one of the Japenese companies by it ,leave the basic bike structure alone...
  9. S

    The best all aroun jetting '14 ec300

    I got lost in the jetting threads and even taking notes so.... '14 GG ec300 0 to 1500 ( NE United States ) gas 50% VP 110 50% Sunoco 93 OCT . NO Motor mods ,stock bike Aside from winter jetting , what is the best all around jetting combo without diving into the carb on a regular basis ...
  10. S

    rad guards ??????????????????

    I crash unloading from the truck that's what I need them for !:eek:
  11. S

    rad guards ??????????????????

    Will the 2013 rad guards fit a 2014 ? Sorry ec300 race .
  12. S

    2014 EC 300 Race ?s

    Hello, I just bought a 2014 ec300 the last Gasser I had was a 2006. I was just wondering if you can still use Yamaha pegs ,head bearings and CR air filters and brake pads like the earlier models ? Any info on crossover will help! Thanks , Steve P.S. "I just bought a 2014 GG" . I like seeing...
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    Reiger Shocks

    I haven't been on in a while and I was looking for input pros cons and especially who services and or re- valve ? Anyone got any input on a recent 200 ,I'm thinking on a 200 , I've been on 300 for a while .
  14. S

    reiger rear shock ??????????????????

    How are they ? Who can service them in the US ?
  15. S

    aftermarket front axel for......................

    2006 ec300 ? Is there any in the us????????????????