Recent content by The Ned

  1. T

    Roll call

    How many DBWers are there here?
  2. T

    EC300 in action

    Mucking around on my ec300. Filmed at a mates track we were building and alligator creek.
  3. T

    What is your favorite GasGas engine size?

    Go the mighty 300:)
  4. T

    style of riding pants do you wear and why?

    I had my jeans get caught on my foot peg as I went to put my foot down at the lights. I held myself at a 45 degree using the window sill of the car next to me. I don't Know who was more worried me or the cars dudes wife:D I now do the 70's biker thing with my jeans tucked in with footy socks...
  5. T

    Shameless self promotion

    Yeah thanks for the heads up mark!
  6. T

    check out this fsr desert!

    Does anyone know how it went in the Dakar?
  7. T

    Everyday Bike

    Have used mine for commuting goes fine, same as riding open desert stuff just watch your jetting
  8. T

    Shameless self promotion

    Hey guy's feel free to check out my gasser movies on youtube channel SueyCydel thanks:D
  9. T

    Hello all

    I've got an 06 ec300 for all my dirt action and a dirty old guzzi lemans for the road.
  10. T

    Hello all

    Just signed up thought I would quickly say g'day. Look forward to talking Gasgas with like minded types:D