Recent content by Tigger996

  1. T

    450/400 EC tuning

    I have been told that the 400 and 450 are basically the same engine except barrel and piston. But the 450 has a shorter stroke yet has a lower rev limit. So would a 400 cams fit the 450 and give the higher rev limit?
  2. T

    2006 SM 450 fse fuel pump replacement

    Hi leeman I know it's a long time since you posted this but I have a few questions about the fuel pump. I am building a supermono and do not want to use the Gasgas tank. So could I use the replacement externally or would I have to house it in a small tank. Thanks Terry
  3. T

    Gas gas fse 450 2004 pickup coil/pulser/igniter help!!!

    Location of pickup To save myself a lot of work uncovering my engine in a cold and untidy garage, could you tell me where the pickup is located? as I need to know if the ignition is wasted spark. Thanks Terry
  4. T

    ec450 & 400

    I believe the standard master cylinder is about 9.5mm, but there are not many in that diameter available. My engine is at the moment buried under piles of furniture in my garage(wife insists I work on the house first.) So cannot see where the sensor is located.
  5. T

    ec450 & 400

    Hi I am new to the group and I am in the process of building a couple of Supermonos using anEC450FSE and a 400. There are a couple of things I need to know. Is the ignition wasted spark and would a 16x18 clutch master cylinder be OK. Thanks Terry