Recent content by Tomac

  1. Tomac

    Part out. 07 EC 250 (Aus)

    Sorry Stu. I haven't been on here for awhile. Iv updated the list and unfortunately the rear wheel has gone. I can help you with the other parts tho
  2. Tomac

    Part out. 07 EC 250 (Aus)

    No worries.
  3. Tomac

    Yes l do but only have the kill switch with the cdi and basic wire loom. No wire for the road gear

    Yes l do but only have the kill switch with the cdi and basic wire loom. No wire for the road gear
  4. Tomac

    Part out. 07 EC 250 (Aus)

    PM me your address and I'll get you a total
  5. Tomac

    Part out. 07 EC 250 (Aus)

    All good mate l do but it has a lot of bent fins ( no leaks). I have 100% new left and right GPI radiators with new red hoses.(l paid 130) I was asking $80. I can do them for $70 plus post
  6. Tomac

    Part out. 07 EC 250 (Aus)

    Thanks Anders. I had know idear what part l was looking for. Cheers
  7. Tomac

    Part out. 07 EC 250 (Aus)

    I can only send pics through email. Please PM your email for pics.
  8. Tomac

    Part out. 07 EC 250 (Aus)

    I think the expansion chamber will fit but lm not 100% sure, if so its in very good condition. Rear guard loop??? Do you mean the sub frame?
  9. Tomac

    Yes l have the entire wire loom.

    Yes l have the entire wire loom.
  10. Tomac

    WTB power valve aftermarket cover.

    Iv got check point power valve cover for sale in a thread below ( Part out. 07 EC 250).
  11. Tomac

    Part out. 07 EC 250 (Aus)

    PM me your name and address and I'll get you a total price. Cheers Matty
  12. Tomac

    Part out. 07 EC 250 (Aus)

    Cheers Zman. I hope so, otherwise they will collect dust.
  13. Tomac

    Part out. 07 EC 250 (Aus)

    Yes. It in good working order. I removed the master cylinder quite awhile a go because I use a clake LHRB. $20 for both plus post
  14. Tomac

    Part out. 07 EC 250 (Aus)

    The bottom end has gone & the vibration has ovalized all of the engine mounts in the cases. I was going to do a full resto but I put a deposit on a Beta... Its missing the side stand, overflow bottle & all of the ADR stuff All prices are + post. Frame is bent on the down tube. (probably going...
  15. Tomac

    WTB 2007 to 2011 Frame

    PM sent 10 char