Recent content by waycrazy

  1. W

    WTB clutch master cyl.

    I am in need of a clutch master cyl for a 04 ec300 part #BE250022009 or BT280020091 or 650.00701c
  2. W

    WTB clutch master cyl.

    I am in need of a clutch master cylinder for a 03 ec300 would also buy to hose if available. part number on master cyl. Be25002209 or BT280020091
  3. W

    Can't miss event: Awesome Mt singletrack for Veterans

    Give Russ a call 206-999-3426 or Email. Russ is a very dedicated guy and will answer any questions you have about his event.
  4. W

    Where'd all the good deals go? In the market

    I sold my ktm a few days ago . PNW used gasgas market is slim pickings. But I am patient I will find one.
  5. W

    Dirty Faces poker run. Vantage WA

    Couple of my friends went to the event . I asked them how it was and they said it was 30miles of sand wooped hell. :D
  6. W

    Another outting on the 300

    Couldnt watch the vid . It was set to privet.
  7. W

    gas gas 300 problem head or base gasket?

    Probably a worse case scenario but I was looking at a jug I had laying around and there is waterjackets that run right next to the exhaust port. could there be a crack ?
  8. W

    head torque spec

    Here ya go Place the cylinder head and tighten the screws in diagonal pairs. Use thread lock. Tightening torque: 25 Nm - Check that the support surface of the thermostat cover is perfectly clean. - Fit the thermostat cover with a new gasket and tighten the screws -1-. Use thread lock...
  9. W

    exhaust spigot?

    Gofasters had one they offered.
  10. W

    whats better old or new

    I am personally fond of old iron myself. I like being able to bang trees without having to worry about new scratches. ;)
  11. W

    Little help

    Thanks for that BTW.
  12. W

    Little help

    The suspension was perfect!!! The failure was because I F'ed up and put it together wrong. I hadn't ever rebuilt the bottom end in a engine before . So I spent several hours checking and double checking to make sure it was right. When I got to the top end I wasn't worried about it because I have...
  13. W

    piston lubrication holes

    Thanks guys, it was very embarrassing to admit that. After this frustration I think I need to catch a plane and drink a few of those rums with you! After a good ride of coarse. :D I dont think this feeling is going to pass until my bank account is back were it needs to be. LOL
  14. W

    piston lubrication holes

    You answered his question..... I pulled a rookie move . When I put it together I got in a hurry and installed the stupid thing in backwards. I feel like a moron. I didn't even think to look until I saw the piston you posted next to my piston pic.And to add to the frustration I know better! Very...
  15. W

    Little help

    I went through the bottom end not to long ago. But I am very worried about bits and pieces.:( I found most of the pieces in my pipe:D Oddly enough it pulled 60psi compression. I was surprised when I saw the shape everything was in.