Recent content by Wuzofoz

  1. W

    VForce 4 reeds

    I never received a reply. I found these on eBay item num 352839121524
  2. W

    Chain slider 18/19 EC

    Thx guys. Yes 18 on Not the answer I wanted. Hopefully someone picks up these parts and makes them available.
  3. W

    Chain slider 18/19 EC

    Would anyone know of a crossover slider? I got one from a 14 on husky TE and it?s different Thx Wuz
  4. W

    2018 starter - oem vs replacement

    To my knowledge the KTM starter bolts straight on and rotates the opposite direction
  5. W

    VForce 4 reeds

    I?ve sent an email so will see what happens
  6. W

    VForce 4 reeds

    So far I?m only finding them from Enduropuro at a nuts price. Vforce 3 are easy enough to get
  7. W

    VForce 4 reeds

    Can anyone tell me if there are some swap over reeds for the VForce 4 reed block? There is no mention of the block or reeds on the Mototassinari site Thx Wuz
  8. W

    Multifunction switch

    I made up this plug to replace the original harness. Headlight is hard wired to low beam and the 2 smaller plugs are for starter button and fan.
  9. W

    47 hours! Intermittent estart!!!

    I have an 18 gp250. The OEM battery didn?t last long. I replaced it with a Lithiym and got 7mths out of it and it has died. I have fitted a Gel battery this time and so far starts bike same as lithium did. They have similar CCA ratings of 140 and hrs be gel at 150. You can get litium batts with...
  10. W

    2018 gp250 regulator / stator testing

    Have had 2 rides with the new regulator problem free so looks like that was the culprit. Also battery is now being charged to 14v 😁
  11. W

    2018 gp250 regulator / stator testing

    Just an update After a week of checking everything I could think of I went out riding For 2 days. The problem is still there but behaviour has changed well maybe because I?m paying more attention now. So I notice the dash didn?t activeate and that?s is for estart today then about 20secs later...
  12. W

    2018 gp250 regulator / stator testing

    Gasser Nate that makes sense with what?s happening except I can?t find anything in the wiring diagram from manual in between the regulator and dash to control power flow. At the moment everything is working again and I have taken ohm reading from the regulator and I?ll compare when it stops...
  13. W

    2018 gp250 regulator / stator testing

    Thx Memphis . I?ll give it a good clean or replace
  14. W

    2018 gp250 regulator / stator testing

    Hi guys Would someone have info on testing figgers for reg and stator plz? The problem I have is during a ride the lights stopped working (dash stopped activating on startup to) and battery went flat. Bike would kickstart and run fine. On investing at home all plugs and connections look good...
  15. W

    300 or 250

    I?m changing my 18 250 to a 300. The 250 struggles to much straight off idle on the technical hills for me. For those that have done the change in either direction did you get the CDI remapped for the correct size?