Recent content by Zman

  1. Zman

    1998 EC250 plastic and other parts

    Thank you for the links. They do have a few pieces that will fit back to 98, but unfortunately nothing in the original hot pink / red color.
  2. Zman

    1998 EC250 plastic and other parts

    My father was 62 when he bought the 98 EC250 Six Day version. He really liked that GG was unique, had a counter balancer, good handling, grew up with trials bike siblings and that GasGas was rumored to be built in an old Bultaco factory. He had a Matador and Alpina in the 70s. I spoke to...
  3. Zman

    1998 EC250 plastic and other parts

    Thank you Sir. In this case I have the replacement KX black plastic on the bike although I am looking to find some original color plastic to put it back to the way my father had it.
  4. Zman

    1998 EC250 plastic and other parts

    My Father passed a way a year ago and I am rebuilding his 1998 EC250 as a tribute bike. I am looking for some of the original pink red plastic they had in 1997 and 1998. Thanks for looking. Tim
  5. Zman

    Hello, do you still have the parts for this bike? Thanks Tim

    Hello, do you still have the parts for this bike? Thanks Tim
  6. Zman

    Ticking Noise

    It may be the rubber basket isolators are worn out. A couple of my GG bike make different noises with the clutch lever pulled in or out. The GG bikes make lots of chain noise that can sound like detonation and other bad things. Be careful not to run the chain tight because it puts lots of...
  7. Zman

    Ticking Noise

    The bike looks great! Does it make that noise when the clutch lever is pulled in or when the lever is out or does it always make that noise? When does it not make noise? Does it matter if the engine is under load or not?
  8. Zman

    S3 Head doesn?t fit?

    Is it plain wrong or just tight? It is possible the cylinder is now a little tight and the head is a little big. Can you freeze the head and install it?
  9. Zman

    Compression test

    That sounds pretty low. Can you measure your squish before you pull it all apart.
  10. Zman

    Two Way Com Systems for 2 plus Riders

    I have a Cardo Packtalk bold and a Cardo Edge. They are not cheap but they have great sound and their technology is truly impressive. Many reviews say the Cardo units are the best on the market. I am an engineer and I am into stereo equipment. I believe the Cardo Edge and Palktalk Bold are...
  11. Zman

    Exhaust Volume

    I am not able to find that specific volume in the service manual.:rolleyes:
  12. Zman

    smart carb vendors

    Too many people on this site have been jetting carbs for way too long to believe that anyone is going properly jet a carb over the phone. There are way too many variables!
  13. Zman

    2011 EC200 clutch basket

    Until you find a new basket, you can use a flat file to fix basket finger notches.
  14. Zman

    Rekluse delete?

    If you want to go back to stock, check Ebay for good used clutch parts.
  15. Zman

    Can you run a scratchy piston

    Why is the piston scratched? Do you have a air leak in the carb boot or is the air filter not sealing well? Getting debris in the engine is the mostly likely way to get a scratched piston.