02 ec 250 jetting help


New member
I just picked up a slightly used 02 ec 250 the only thig done was a messco pipe put on . My question is when you give it it gas it slugish when you first give it gas but every where else it seems fine once you get going. I ride in new england racing enduros and I'm looking for jetting recomendations . The bike was bought from a older gentleman that never rode it and sold it to a college kid that never rode it so its been sitting I change the fuel and I'm going to check the carb but I would like to have suggestion on the jetting before I rip it apart.Thanks , Shane

Before I had the LTR kit I was running
38 Pilot
180 Main
N1EF middle clip
about 2 turns on the air screw.

With the LTR
48 Pilot
178 Main
LTR needle on middle clip
2.5 turns

It was running good before but I really like the performance with the LTR needle. I find the bike way more chuggable.
Congrats on the new ride Shane.
When you say "sluggish" do you mean that it sputters or that it bogs ? My limited knowledge says that a sputter is rich and a bog is lean. Both of these conditions have many suspects, especially if the gas sat in it for a while. Float valve, float height, jets, carb circuits, reeds, carb boots, air screw, air filter, ...
Best of luck. See you at the Mudslinger. You know where to find the Heinekens after.
what I mean is it wont idle and when you give it a little gas it bogs a little then kicks in so when you come into a corner it doesnt really, I'll say flow you gotta rev it like a motocross bike. FURY A LITTLE HELP HERE YOU RODE IT TOO. Thanks guys
You may get lucky by just taking a stab at changing one thing but you could end up chasing your tail. I'd clean the carb, note what's in there for jetting and slide, and then use Spanky's Jetting Guide.
well at least I can put up a pic
I find that the easiest way to tell if the bike is running lean or rich is to warm the bike up and ride it around for 5 mins and then look at the colour of the spark plug. if its black and oily its too rich, if its grey or white its to lean.
it's burning right when the spark plugs colour tan. i hope this info will hellp, if im wrong about the spark plug colours plz correct me.
The colors are right but the method is good for rough evaluation, not fine tuning. Fuel and oil also come into play here.

Assuming a #7 slide correct?

For the best, smoothest performance in the woods use the LTR needle. For some fast guys that are on the pipe all the time it may not matter, but thats not me and this needle works better from the bottom into the midrange. Check/clean the carb and float height, and start with eff's specs. You can drop the pilot to a #45 if it get hot and humid. My bike also likes a 180 main, but a 178 should be OK if its hot. Doesn't hurt to start out one size richer.

I'm not that far away and at a similar altitude, and ride similar terrain. This should work good, so if you don't have the time or patience to experiment, get the kit and ride.