04 450fse Starting problem

Just brought a secondhand 04 450fse and it electric starts fine when cold, but when I go for a ride(get it at operating temp), then stop. 90% of the time you press the button and nothing. Sometimes it works.

Unfortunatly I didn't have a test light to see if it had power down to the starter moter when I pressed the button, then work my way back, if need be.

has anyone had this issue and know the fix?

It kinda seems like a faulty relay or along those lines

Just brought a secondhand 04 450fse and it electric starts fine when cold, but when I go for a ride(get it at operating temp), then stop. 90% of the time you press the button and nothing. Sometimes it works.

Unfortunatly I didn't have a test light to see if it had power down to the starter moter when I pressed the button, then work my way back, if need be.

has anyone had this issue and know the fix?

It kinda seems like a faulty relay or along those lines

Like does the bike turn and not start? Or just not turn?
Your starting problems sound just like my Gassers ignition woe's.
My fse400ec has never started with the kick start and its currently at the motorbike shop getting a health check. Just like your bike mine would start ok cold but after it was hot and i stopped then it would'nt start. THe electric starter motor will turn but no spark, at the same time the fuel injection pump would not prime when the key was turned on. The bike shop tell me they found corroded relays in the fuel pump and wiring so here's hoping that is all that is wrong with it.
All fixed

The symptom, was after the bike warmed up the electric start button would not work, as in you pressed it and nothing happened, as if the switch contacts were not connecting.

The problem ended up being the three wire connection under the tank. It rests flat on the rectangular oil reservoir section of the frame. Basically the little bullet terminal was not pushed in far enough for the small one way barb to hold it properly in the plastic housing. The bullet connector must have just made contact when cold, but when the plastic got hot from contacting the frame(hot oil reservoir) expansion must have broken connection

Have since pushed the bullet connector firmly in the plastic housing and the problem is now gone

Thanks for all the feedback
