1.9 Million Acres in SE Utah (near Moab) Theatened by Monument Designation


New member
Fellow GasGas riders, I am asking for your help in preventing a monument designation in San Juan County, Utah. The proposed monument would lock us out of 1.9 million acres of public lands (3,000 square miles). I am an avid dirt biker and as such I ask for your support in opposing the designation of the Bears Ears National monument. We are a stones throw from Moab, Utah and hundreds of miles of single/two track are at stake (Jacob 'Berg knows what I'm talking about). We don't want/need to lose more trails and us locals have far more at stake than just the recreational aspect of a monument designation. Please go here and sign the petition: https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/doodah-no-bears-ears-national-monument
**This petition has expired. See bottom of post.

I am going to cross post this on other forums as well. Please sign the petition and get the word out. Thanks for all your help!

edit: I just noticed that on the petition it states that there will be increased access. This doesn't pertain to motorized trails. It simply means that there will be an increase in tourist traffic to the existing roads and all the trash and vandalism that comes with them. I just wanted to clarify that line because the wording is confusing.

**Quick note: The original petition expired (we weren't anywhere near our goal ) but a new one requiring fewer signatures has been started.

Here's a link to the new petition: http://www.savebearsears.com/petition/

Any and all help is appreciated!
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Misleading actually.Why wouldnt it be.

Id post this to the OMRA website.They have a land use section.They have a few hardcore advocates over there.
Quite a few riders from Oregon make that Utah trip every year.

Good luck to you guys over there
Hopefully this is on the AMA's radar and they are getting word out on signing the petition as well?

I don't know. I'm not a member of the AMA but I am a member of the BRC and have sent them multiple emails (rececently) and I'm awaiting a response. I had also planned on contacting the ARRA. I'd appreciate any help in making these groups aware.
Misleading actually.Why wouldnt it be.

Id post this to the OMRA website.They have a land use section.They have a few hardcore advocates over there.
Quite a few riders from Oregon make that Utah trip every year.

Good luck to you guys over there

I know the lady that started the petition and know the meaning she intended to convey is what I stated in my edit to the original post. I have asked her if the wording on the petition page can be edited and unfortunately, it cannot.

If you value keeping public lands public, we locals would appreciate your signatures and your help in getting the word out to other land users (like the OMRA) to help stave off the excessive overreach of the Federal Government.

Thanks for your concern and response. :)
Sounds like what they do in England with the "national trust" basically claim they are looking after the land but all the do is make it into a tourist attraction, make large car parks with shops selling junk and ban everything apart from walking and charge money for entry. Lost a lot of areas to this, its really shit for everyone apart from the ones getting rich off it.
Sounds like what they do in England with the "national trust" basically claim they are looking after the land but all the do is make it into a tourist attraction, make large car parks with shops selling junk and ban everything apart from walking and charge money for entry. Lost a lot of areas to this, its really shit for everyone apart from the ones getting rich off it.

It's certainly a travesty and a gross overreach of Executive power.
Update: An email concerning the Public Lands Initiative was sent from the ARRA. The public lands Initiative is an attempt at resolving public land use dilemmas in SE Utah and while not perfect, it's a much better endgame than a monument designation. The Blue Ribbon Coalition has also played an active role in the development of the PLI.

Here's a copy of the text of the email sent from the ARRA:

Utah Public Lands Initiative Legislation Introduced -- Urge the President to Avoid Massive Monument Designation in Favor of Letting the Legislative Process Work

Send an email to the President and Interior Secretary in Support of Locally Developed Solutions to Public Lands Management

Representatives Rob Bishop and Jason Chaffetz have formally introduced legislation, H.R. 5781, to provide for the future management of 18 million acres of public lands in Eastern Utah. The legislation was developed through an ambitious effort to bring resolution to some of the most challenging land disputes in Utah. The Utah Public Lands Initiative brought together over 120 different advocacy groups, businesses and land organizations - representing the entire spectrum of policy and political viewpoints - that have an interest in the management of public lands in Eastern Utah. The result is legislation that will protect massive areas of public lands, while providing access to responsible multiple uses including recreation.

On Saturday, July 18, Interior Secretary Sally Jewell and other prominent public lands officials hosted a public meeting to discuss the legislation and the possible Administrative designation of National Monuments in the area. While Jewell said there are no imminent plans to make such a designation, it is important that she and the President hear from you that the correct path forward is the collaboratively developed legislation ? not a one-size-fits all designation of monuments that will ultimately lead to reduced access for recreation.

For specific information about the bill and the process through which it was developed, visit this website.

Even if you don?t live or recreate in Utah it is important to have your voice heard. Representatives Bishop and Chaffetz have worked long and hard to develop legislation that reflects the will of the local constituencies ? it would be inappropriate for the President to circumvent this process by imposing massive monument designations. Should the Administration move forward with a designation despite the fact that there is pending legislation it would be a terrible precedent and an ominous sign for other areas in the country being considered for Monument designation.

Here's the take action link: http://www.arra-access.com/action/?vvsrc=/campaigns/47402/respond

I encourage (and will deeply appreciate) all to take action against this monumental (pun intended) land grab. I am truly grateful to all who have signed the petition and sent emails to the decision maker(s).