#2 of the D36 C/C @ Oasis, Clear Lake, CA


New member
Just a quick report.....

Round 2 is in the books, finished 7th out of 14, a few DNF's, better than my last outting...round one sucked.....not going to mention my last place at the PCGP....cut me some slack...first time out on the 125!

The "B"SSR class is no joke, some really fast guys out there, trying to get myself back up to speed after taking a few years off from racing.

This year the GG EC200 is sitting on the sidelines.....which is cool with me.

The bike is a 2005 YZ125. Pretty much stock, some motor work has been done by http://www.poseyracingengines.com/ and suspenion by https://www.dicksracing.com/ and hardware by http://www.utahsportcycle.com/ I am using a http://www.leovinceusa.com/ spark arrestor this time, decided not to go with the standard FMF TCII, weight and size was the reason why. Time will tell if I made the right choice. It has a lower db than the FMF, however the arrestor screen is a bit of a challenge to clean. The arrestor screen can be removed easy if I want to do some moto..... The is weekend I threw on a http://rb-designs.com/ carb, took a big gamble and ran a carb I've never rode with...glad I did, that thing works comparied to my OEM.

Arrived at the course at about 9am, signed up and headed back to the truck for the carb swap out, everything went well, the bike fired right up, after it was good and warm set the idle, and set the air screw.

Went through tech inspection, all was good there and headed to my start line. I picked a spot on the towards the outside, did not want to get wrapped up if there was a first turn pile up, plus I was thinking I would rail the outside to keep up the speed.

Dead engine start, hands on the helmet, wait for the shotgun to go off! Bang! First kick...nothing, second kick, gone, I was late off the line, the first section was on a motocross track, not my style, but everyone has to play the same game, then we headed off into the single track woods.....were running in a pretty tight conga line was the entire class, I feel into place and made a few passes...then came the MASSIVE two section up hill, pinned 3rd gear was all I could do in the first section, made a nice left hand sweeper and up again we went, PINNED...did I say pinned?? 3rd gear, started to loose some steam, dropped down to second and kep it pinned!:eek: I was thinking the top was pretty soon made a left in to some really tight brush single track and started back down, steep switch backs, wet tacky clay.....did I say it was slippery?? The S-12XC was working hard on the rear! My GeoMax MX51 was sticking the front end as well.

Once we got off the mountain they ran us throw a creek, had a little bit of water, but not too bad, just enough to keep the big a$$ rocks wet. We then made our way up and down some two track and back into the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manzanita it was like someone with a chain saw decided to cut a single track through this stuff! This stuff is a magnet, plastic, jersey's, fenders, you name it, nasty stuff! Did I say that the course was lined with about 70% http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manzanita

Plenty of 90 and 180 turns with huge "g"outs at the bottom, plus a change of direction.....great stuff....ohhhhh, yea this was a 2 hour race! Went headed down a little valley over a few walking bridges which was fun, then back up a couple hills, south facing slope, no shade, and very, very loose, dirt, rocks.....I know the rocks were their, I felt them as I bounced off them trying to get up this hill....2nd gear PINNED AGAIN!!!!Thanks to the GPR stablizer for saving my butt a few times!

We then proceed onto a nice grass track, which was a ton of fun, good times railing the turns on the little 125, feels great, the sound is off the hook....might not be going fast, but it sounds good! ;) back into a creek area and through a few water crossing, the ruts were not too bad, but by my last lap, they were up to the pegs.....make me glad I was no in the last "C" race:eek: A bit of single track and back onto the motocross track for a pass through timing and scoring check! The course was 7.8 miles long, I did 5 laps, missed the 6th lap by about a minute.

I had a few little battles, pretty much stayed in 7th all day may have gained or dropped a few spots but scoring had me in 7th when I finished after 2 hours of racing and 5 hard laps. The rider ahead of me was on a GasGas 250 or 300. Darn....I should rode the 200, then their would have been two GasGas at one event! That would have been a record!

What is a 50 year old guy doing racing a 125 in the BSSR class? I have no idea other than it sounded fun when I bought the bike. And it is fun, it is a hoot, I love the looks I get on the starting line???? Is that a 125?? Yep!!!

Here is a link to some photo's, yea, I'm the guy riding 375X
http://s936.beta.photobucket.com/us...is 2013?&_suid=136063813979108952528687853052