2003 fse 450


New member
Hello everyone.

I had an unpleasant experience this weekend and am hoping one of you could help enlighten me.

I tried starting the bike (for the first time in ~5 months). Had a brand new battery, but had the older 5 monthish old gas in it. Started right up... Quickly and without problem. Bike idled just fine for the ~30 seconds it took me to strap up my helmet and goggles. I hopped on and pulled off easily, and smoothly (though without really getting "on it" yet). About half a mile down the road I rolled in a little more throttle (but was still in a higher gear and at a rather low speed). The bike pulled for a bit... I shifted... Bike pulled a bit... I went to shift and the bike died (like it had run out of gas).

I hit the starter a for about a second (2 or 3 times) and it fired back up. I let the clutch out, gave it gas, and continued riding... For about 3 more seconds. Tried the same trick and it didn't work.

Luckily, I was basically at the top of a slight hill at this point so, with the momentum I had left, I turned around and began drifting back down the hill. I tried hitting the starter for a couple seconds at a time. Tried it a few times... Drifted for 30 seconds tried it a couple more times... Drifted another 30 seconds... Tried it once more... Nothing.

I hopped off, to begin pushing, as the road began its gradual assent. After pushing the last couple hundred feet I was back at my house (and disheartened). It sure seemed like a fuel issue (with it running when going easy... Then cutting out as I rolled on more gas... Stalling... Starting... Stalling after a few seconds... Then nothing).

So I took off my tank, disconnected my injector, rigged the pair back up (on a bucket), and tested the fuel pump, and the injectors spray. Pump sounds strong and primes. As for the injectors spray pattern... It's not what I think of (having seen automobile injectors spray pattern). The injectors I have seen produce an incredibly fine, high pressure mist. This injectors pattern looked a *little* rougher and weaker. It was mistish, and pressurized, but it wasn't as high pressured or as fine as I would think it would be. Looked more like a bottle of Windex being sprayed.

Should a clean, properly functioning injector look like a Windex blast, or more like a super fine, high pressure mist?

I'd appreciate any help you guys could give!!

Thanks in advance,
Well, I cleaned up a mini bucket I had real good then took a can of "manifold and throttle body cleaner" to the feed side of the injector. After a couple quick squirts my once clean bucket had a surprisingly large amount of ultra fine particulate floating I'm the bottom of my puddle of cleaner. I sloshed some clean fuel around in the tank, then discarded it. Then I tried my little injector test again. This time it had the much finer mist I was expecting from a fuel injector.

So I put everything back together, turned it over for a second, and it started right up. Same as last time, I let it idle while I put on my helmet, threw my leg over her, and I was off (albeit, more nervous than last time). Same easy first half mile, then I rolled into the power. Smooth and strong she pulled for a few seconds, so I pulled in the clutch and let the idle fall back down... No stalling, just a smooth idle. Popped the clutch out and continued down the road, repeating that procedure a couple times... No problems.

I rode past my trouble points of a couple nights ago, to the end of my road, turned around and rode back. Just before getting home I did a few second WOT pull and she felt fine.

I believe she's fixed!

PS... For anyone trying to figure out the little clips that hold your fuel lines to the tank... Weird as it seems, just pry each of the four prongs outward, until they "pop". They are shaped sorta like a heart, and you need to push outward until the upper "nubs" of the heart pop to the outside. Then you can just pull them up and out.
Good work! Solving that trouble:)

However, did you see if there was any fine grade filter atatched to
the inlet of the injektor?
I think there is supposed to be one kind of steel net there.

Sorry about the english:o

injector problem

hello everyone,

I own a sm450 fse 2007
problem is that i do not have a signal on my injector.

the +12v is present on the plug but the negative voltage is not switching from the ecu. can anyone help me out.

the relay contactors and wiring are okay.