2007 EC300 gas tank strap?.and some history


New member
Soooo, I?ve got this 07 EC300 that?s been stored for the past 14 years with about 250-300 miles on it. Mint! (yes 14 years. I was very active here at that time) Gas tank strap is about to break and Google is not really helpful bringing up mostly Euro sites
Where do I get one now in the US? I?m out of touch. Part # I believe is BE250136020.

This was midlife crisis bike purchase (lightly used from dealer) that I never used. Divorce, child support, job losses, apartment living, change of interests all added up to not using it. I went crazy with extra stuff for it and spares that?s embarrassing to list out. I will in another thread on what?s it worth question because yeah I?m selling it. 64YO I?m done sadly with dirt bikes despite being incredibly fit and able.
Bike started right up and runs beautifully. Love 2 strokes.
CPD direct showed the strap.

I have used a Ford fuel pump o-ring.
Worked great.
I can mail you one Monday, if you like.
Thank you for the offer of the o ring but I went ahead and ordered the strap and a few additional items from CPD that should finish the bike up nicely for sale.
Good resource for older stuff I certainly didn’t find.