2011 300 six days handle bar shocking


New member
Does anyone else get shocked by their 2011 GG? At first I thought it was the head light switch Because when I turned it on the shock was not as bad. I removed the switch and insulated it. then noticed it through my gloves when braking so I unhooked the brake light switch. Now I don't get shocked, but I would like to have a brake light switch. I have checked the frame grounds and they are clean and tight. I am at a loss now!:confused:
Have had this before on my KX500 with stray current from the kill switch.

The bike was going to kill me one way or another:)
Hey Matt I had the same thing happen on my 2008. It turned out to be a wire rubbed through. I kept thinking I was getting shocked but really wasn't sure, it would only happen once in a while. I let it ride thinking I was just imagining it. Shortly there after ( pun intended :)), I started having an intermittent kill where I'd be flying on the pipe and the bike would start running funny and die like I ran out of fuel.
I dnf'ed last years Dez 100 from this. Turned out it was a chaffed through wire that exits into the air box through the little plastic molded tunnel heading to the CDI where the factory had zip tied it to the sub frame.

My guess is you have a wire that is chaffed through. This is only a guess as I am not super electrical savvy.
You said your brake light switch eliminated the problem so I would start at the switch and remove the frame guard and check there as they run the wires under them and continue to follow the wires throughout. You will need to clip the zip ties to do the best inspection.

Seems very early to have a wire rubbed through on such a new bike, but with dirt grit and vibration, if the factory zip tied to tight or pinched a wire to the frame somewhere it can cause exactly what you are experiencing.

Good luck.
I had this happen on my 2010 250. I checked various places on the bike with a voltmeter while the bike was running and found current in the levers. I read somewhere that the coating on the handlebars may be the issue. So I sanded the handlebars where the mounts were and that solved the issue no more current in the handlebars.