2011 EC250 transmission issues

Michael D.

New member
Hi everyone,
I?m having some problems with my bike and am hoping someone can help me diagnose the problem.
It all started out when I started hearing a rattling sound from the gearbox when I pull the clutch in, but no other issues.
Then I couldn?t even shift into first gear unless the bike is moving. Also clutch lost its power and isn?t doing anything.
I switched out the gearbox oil And it was full of little metal particles, something I?ve never seen before when switching out the old oil. So I think maybe something moved and is grinding in the gearbox.
Does anyone have any clue to what?s going on in my gearbox. Hoping I can fix it myself but maybe I?ll have to take it to a mechanic.

Do not start the engine. Take off the small clutch cover and inspect the clutch. You can unbolt the clutch pressure plate, remove the fiber and steel plates and take a look inside. You may have to drain your coolant , remove the Kickstarter and then remove the entire clutch side engine cover to get a good look.(If you remove the clutch side covers then you will probably need the two clutch cover gaskets.)

I would guess your fiber and steel clutch and clutch springs are worn out and need to be replaced. Inspect the basket for notching and damage. Look for debris in the engine case, take some pictures and post them!

Thanks a lot for the reply. I?m not a mechanic and never took the gear or engine apart. Well, thanks to your detailed response I did and found the problem. Four of the fiber plates are broken and need to be replaced.
You think I need to take the rest of the gear apart as well or should this solve it when I get new plates? Also, do I need to get specific steel and fiber plates for my specific bike model, or is it the same in any 2 stroke dirt bike gearbox?
Thanks, and sorry for being such a noob😬


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You need to pull the entire side cover off, then unbolt the clutch basket and remove it, and check for other debris and metal in the cases. I would guess that your clutch basket has notches in it and needs to be replaced along with all the fiber and steel plates,all the springs and spring bolts and the two clutch basket bearings, bushing and the thrust washers and maybe even your crank seal. When you get the cover off you need to do a good inspection, other things may be broken. This is the layout.

Will check

Ok thanks a lot!
Meanwhile from what I saw everything seems fine. I?ll make a detailed check when I get home from work to make sure nothing else is damaged.