A ride where MY EC250 was made FOR!!

Thanks a lot Brian!

It was fun to make too:D I used my old sony cyber-shot digital camera,Next time, I will roll over IT! Stay tuned for more action:p

I used windows movie maker to edit raw footage and add some music.

Good job on the vid. It inspires me to take more videos. My main riding group doesn't like to stop for me to compose anything. But when I do make them stop long enough for a pic or vid they are always excited about it when they see it later.
I like it... Are you by yourself ? With the camera on a triod? Great editing.
Thanks.I appreciate. If it's wasn't too late...some minor modifications could be done. Sounds like my freaky artist side appears! Joke this is just for fun:) I mean contrast, too much light on the firts cuts...some little transitions. Joke this is just for fun:) Maybe next time.

Always by myself when making this kind of footage...Take too much time for weekly riding buds. You need to be alone and take your time to find good spots and angles. Perfect recovery after your yesterday race!

I use logs, rocks or 3 big dead tree branches as a tripod.