Affordable Helmet Light


Active member
Just thought some might be interested in a cheaper option to the Oxbow Voyager helmet light for night riding/racing. This cheap Amazon special light is $60+ cheaper yet puts out the same amount of light to my eyes. Yes, mounting it isn't as easy as, and it weighs more, than the Oxbow but I like doing things differently than everyone else hence why I own my Gasser and my old KDX!

A Cheap Oxbow Alternative? -
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Update! I figured out an easy GoPro type mounting system for this cheap light and used it on my first night ride of the year. I ran the light for just over 2 hours and zero issues. I hope this encourages some of you to get out there and try a night ride as they are a blast!

UPDATED!!! A Cheap Oxbow Alternative (GoPro compatible mounting setup) -
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