Another Float Level Question


New member
Hi guys, first post here and I?m afraid it?s a topic you?re probably sick of seeing so sorry in advance. I have spent hours reading, trying to find an answer to this.

I recently bought a 2013 EC250. The bike runs and rides as it should except a constant leak of fuel from the overflow. I had the bowl apart, used a machinists height gauge and set the floats to the correct level. The problem got worse. I then took it back apart and did a little experimentation with it, measured the amount of fuel in the bowl after adjusting the floats. The quantity didn?t change at all, whichever direction I adjusted the floats. I always got 80ml of fuel. The only time I got any change was when I adjusted the floats to around 20mm, then I got around 70ml.

I have since changed the float valve as I suspected the spring was faulty, the problem got slightly better and I managed to get a half decent float level but I believe I?m well over the standard float level, I?m miles away from parallel with the float bowl split line. See attached photo. I?ve been for a ride today and it doesn?t appear to leak when stood vertical, just when on the side stand. It also runs perfectly.

I have checked the seat, checked the floats actually float, the tang is nice and firm, the overflow pipe seems intact. I just can?t get my head around the problem. Has anybody got any ideas?

I could just keep adjusting the floats until it stops leaking but I don?t believe that is the right way of solving this one. The attached photo is how the floats are now, little side stand dribble.

Thanks in advance.


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Damn, was about to say the float valve.

Too many carbs on my memory, mikunis you had to replace the oring around the seat brass. The 28mm PWK seat directly into ally which is pretty dreadful. I know the bigger ones are different. Pressed in brass seat I think.

I get a small ball bearing and drop it down the hole and give it a smart tap with a punch to ensure seat is even.

Test with no float and float bowl. Use finger to push valve and stop flow, should take little pressure and if not where are leaks coming from? Around the side?
Thanks for the input.

I forgot to mention I?ve already manually operated the the float as you mentioned. No leaks at all, works as it should. It?s just not happening at the correct level of stroke, can?t get my head around it, I?ve spent hours doing everything I can think of. I?ll give the bearing tap a go when i next take it off. Failing that I may have to increase the float height even more. I did look at taking the brass seat assembly out but it looks like it will be a destructive job. I may just have to live with it. It?s not a massive problem, like I say bike runs like a dream :confused:
Bit of a mystery...Could the float itself have a hairline crack? It would sit lower in the fuel if it did,less bouyant
Should be able to hear if there is fuel inside it if you give it a shake?
Bit of a mystery...Could the float itself have a hairline crack? It would sit lower in the fuel if it did,less bouyant
Should be able to hear if there is fuel inside it if you give it a shake?

I have had the float in a bowl of water to check for bubbles, given it a shake to check for fuel inside. Both didn?t cause any concern.

Would it make any difference if the float was in upside down?

That?s something I haven?t considered, is it even possible? I?ll see if I can flip them round. The bike has had a few owners so they might not even be the correct floats 🤔
Thanks for those videos guys, both have given me something to go on when I strip the carb again in the next few days. Mirrored seat coming right up :-)

I’ll update if anything changes.
I had the same issue as you describe with my 2013 EC300. Must have had that carb off 20 times and tried everything just like you. The polishing of the seat did seem to help. The final change that so far seems to have fixed the issue was another tang adjustment. It appears mine is super sensitive to adjustment. I adjusted it ever so slightly one last time and so far that was the trick. It is also possible that the move of the float valve on the tang was just not quite right. I made sure on this last attempt to make sure it moved easily on the tang. Any way probably not much help other letting you know you weren?t alone.