Anyone else ever broken an air screw?


New member
Hello All,

Longtime lurker,

Ever since I bought my '01 250 xco I have been unable to adjust my airscrew. It has always been turned all the way in and will not budge. Well after installing the LTR needle the other day I was determined to loosen up this seized screw. To no avail I broke off the head!!!

Any ideas on how to get it out and replaced?

Also the flexible air boot that the backside of the carbbie goes into needs to be replaced as the rubber is somewhat dried out and flaking. Anyone have this problem?

You can drill the screw out, it is just soft brass. be careful not to damage the threads in the carb with the drill. The air boot sounds typical to an older bike. I find that using wd-40 keeps the rubber conditioned and more pliable over the years.
ok i'm going to sound like an idiot here but the "air screw" that I broke was plastic not brass. Any schematics of the carbby online?

I think he is refering to the idle adjuster screw. #29 on the attached image.

I think you would still have to go the drill route and then carefully run a tap through to clean out the threads.
No, but they get hard to turn and flex when the spring is near coil bind(close to full in). With the LTR jetting this will not be neccessary.
Yeah, the useless plastic 'thing' on my carb's always been hard to adjust ever since i bought the bike. been wondering if they do a brass/steel replacement? or does it come with the ltr jet kit?
Yeah, the useless plastic 'thing' on my carb's always been hard to adjust ever since i bought the bike. been wondering if they do a brass/steel replacement? or does it come with the ltr jet kit?


The plastic idle screws have a sealant on the threads that make them hard to turn. I do sell the PWK plated steel idle screw.
Brilliant! Just a shame you don't ship outside the US or I'd buy one this second.
And would have probably sent you my head by now.
FWIW, International shipping via UPS is very simple, especially to the UK.
Yea, "eff".... very simple, All you need to do is fill out all the customs import forms in triplicate and enter a value.

Then the receiver can pay an import duty and tax plus an brokerage fee from UPS.

The receiver in that country (UK, Canada, Newzeland, Africa and Australia, even Mexico).

As a business I can not cheat customs (PERIOD)

If any one is interested in having any of my mods done and does not mind time delays and paying for your product all over again in taxes and duties, plus the extra expense of shipping cost...., maybe there is a shipping alturntive to you.

As "eff" stated there is no problems in shipping international ???, maybe he can be a broker in shipping. You could send him the payment and then he could forward me the the money in US Funds. Then I could send him the product or mod and he would then send you the finished product.
What do you think "eff" ????

But more seriously any one that wants my work or product out side of the USA, and tax, duties and additional shipping charges are not an issue... it can be done.

Thank you,
But more seriously any one that wants my work or product out side of the USA, and tax, duties and additional shipping charges are not an issue... it can be done.

That was my point.

Shipping internationally via UPS is very simple (my company does it all the time). Anyone that does purchase product from overseas is aware that extra taxes/duties and charges will apply. I did not say that there wasn't going to be a higher cost, nor did I suggest that anyone was going to cheat customs.

I am sorry you read my post to suggest something that I did not intend say.

Sorry I ruffled your feathers (that was not my intent)...., all I was trying to do was explain why I do not ship out side of the USA.

If you or others would like some of my work and live out side the US, just let me know and I can give you the additional shipping charges for sending out side of the USA. Then all you would need to do is send me an international bank check or money order in US Funds along with the work to be dine.


Likewise, I didn't mean to ruffle yours either.

Thanks for supporting the site and the quality work others here have been posting about.

Not this season, but I had it in the back of my head on the "wish list."