Anyone had experience with a Keihin PJ??


New member
Friend of mine who got his bike stolen got a new to him 95 Rmx 250. Bike has been bored out to a 280 is running a PJ with 172m 52p. I pulled the carb did a complete spray and blow down set the float at 16mm and started with AS at 1.5 turns. Bike started with in a few kicks but will not idle. Idle on this carb is in the choke circuit. Tried to restart after bike died but kick to no avail. Friend said he had the same luck when he semi cleaned the jets by twisting carb and removing them. Got the bike started again with a running bump. Throttle response is good can grab a hand full and it does not hesitate. Lower end sounds a bit rich. My plan is to drop a 48p in today hoping it will kick start. While bike was running I could not get the idle to raise after turning the knob both directions to the stop. The choke/idle knob has a total of 17 clicks. Any ideas on why Im struggling to get this bike to kick start other than the fact I have already told my friend to chuck this carb in the trash and get a PWK?:rolleyes:
had a 94.. the only time it would not start was a plugged pilot..

i think that is the same exact jetting it had in it, which by a pwk settings would be way rich here, but it ran great..

always started better with the throttle cracked open a tad.. they were neat bikes .. there has been 2 of them for sale here in the last week..