Anyone have extra enduro gear they're willing to part with? (Fanny pack, jacket, etc)


New member
Anyone have enduro gear they're willing to part with? Enduro jacket, helmet light?

Would prefer to trade, if possible. I have a few bike items and some non bike stuff could offer. Need some enduro essentials if anyone has any of this to spare.

Nice fanny pack
Hydration system
enduro backpack
helmet light
enduro jacket (I wear a size Medium adult shirt)
GoPro 2 or 3
any other enduro gear I could use...

Thanks for your time, either way.
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Thanks to firffighter, I was about to get a couple of items on list. Fanny pack and hydration system. I appreciate it brother.

Still trying to hunt some of the other items down if anyone has any extras available for trade.

Thanks, fellas!