I'm putting bearings in the bike and got a swingarm kit from Pivot Works. Kind of disappointed at the moment to be quite honest. The swingarm pivot bushings look kind of wimpy compared to OEM. The very robust metal/rubber seals that have to be pressed in are replaced by ordinary o-rings. The caged roller bearings are replaced by cheap needle bearings.
The most alarming thing that has me worried is the amount of radial play between the new needle bearings and the swingarm pivot bushings.
I also installed a linkage kit and the bearings are the same, but the bushings fit much nicer and actually cause the needles to roll when twisted, whereas the pivot bushings spin freely without rolling the needles.
Not sure if they're even worth installing
The most alarming thing that has me worried is the amount of radial play between the new needle bearings and the swingarm pivot bushings.
I also installed a linkage kit and the bearings are the same, but the bushings fit much nicer and actually cause the needles to roll when twisted, whereas the pivot bushings spin freely without rolling the needles.
Not sure if they're even worth installing