Attention Amsoil users!


New member
I need help. I have used Amsoil Premix oils in the past with good results but I ran out and tried others (Motul 800, 927, Honda full syn.). I lug my 07ec300(250 with 300 top end) like a John Deere tractor and it spooges real bad. There was less smooge with the Amsoil oils than any of the others I've tried so I'm going back but I will use a different mix ratio. Before I mixed 43/1 (HP Injector, Dominator, Interceptor) but want to try 64/1 or 80/1 to help with the spooge problem. My jetting is 168MJ, 38pilot, CCK 2nd slot from top, #7 slide. I've tried 927 oil at 64/1 and the leaner oil mix richened up the fuel/air mixture so much that I foul a plug every time when starting it cold. Once running it will go all day without fouling.
So I'm looking for recommendations on which Amsoil oil, which ratio (64/1 or 80/1), and jetting. I'm leaning toward Amsoil Saber at 80/1 (it's formulated for 100/1 but Amsoil recommends 60/1 to 80/1 for more extreme conditions).
Honestly, I'd run the Interceptor at 50:1 and live with a little spooge. That is what I'm planning to do as I am switching to Amsoil from Mobil MX2T.
I ran very 35P, CCK #2 and 178 Main for tight woods. It worked well with little spooge but ........... I did seize it cruising on the road at about 50 mph. I think because it was still running on the pilot as not much throttle is needed but reving quite high. Off road you don't tend to use small throttle / high revs.
Amsoil does not recommend you run Interceptor oil greater than 60-1. Saber is a whole different animal I guess. No need for the Dominator in your case either.

Another you CAN run at 100-1 is OPTI-2 and the stuff is supposed to be very good. Do some searching and you will find plenty of info. This stuff can be bought ay many outdoor power equipment stores for reasonable money.

Dumonde Tech is another oil people seem to like but a little hard to find and I think a bit pricey.
From this thread: PG. 6 & 7
I remember it being a pretty interesting discussion about oil flash points, spooge etc..

Bel-Ray S2: 363 F
AmsOil Saber Outboard: 216 F
AmsOil Saber Pro: 214 F
Bel-Ray MC1: 208 F
Bel-Ray H1R: 203 F
AmsOil Dominator: 198 F
Bel-Ray Si-7: 190 F
Bel-Ray SL2: 186 F
AmsOil HP Injector: 180 F
AmsOil Interceptor: 176 F
Golden Spectro: 170 F
Motul 800 Roadrace: 525 F
Motul 800 Off-Road: 485 F
Motul Kart GP: 482 F
Motul Kart: 482 F
Motul 510: 198 F
Motul 710: 190 F

I had horrible spooge problems (on my YZ125) when my local shop quit carrying motul 710. They had 800 instead. Nothing else changed.
Went from very minimal to no spooge to dripping down the silencer and onto the swingarm. I found some 710 and it went back to the way it was.
Spooge is also jetting dependent, and somewhat related to the silencer on the bike and how it traps the oil mist in the exhaust. I've always run premix on the rich side (Les's recommendation as well). In my bike Amsoil Dominator @ 36:1 does not spooge at all with an OEM silencer, very little with a TC2, and drools like a pig with the Stealth, all with the same jetting. Yeah, you don't need this much oil for grunting around in the woods, but hit a WFO road section for miles, or several in a dual sport or turkey run, and its nice to know there is plenty of oil there. I'm not changing ratios, I'll ditch the Stealth first if it gets out of hand. Bike is up around 75+ hrs, still has 195 PSI compression, and runs very hard.
Spooge is also jetting dependent, and somewhat related to the silencer on the bike and how it traps the oil mist in the exhaust. I've always run premix on the rich side (Les's recommendation as well). In my bike Amsoil Dominator @ 36:1 does not spooge at all with an OEM silencer, very little with a TC2, and drools like a pig with the Stealth, all with the same jetting. Yeah, you don't need this much oil for grunting around in the woods, but hit a WFO road section for miles, or several in a dual sport or turkey run, and its nice to know there is plenty of oil there. I'm not changing ratios, I'll ditch the Stealth first if it gets out of hand. Bike is up around 75+ hrs, still has 195 PSI compression, and runs very hard.

I have heard many people complain about the Stealth and spooge. No one as far as I have read has been able to remedy it.
I run AmsOil Interceptor at 38:1.

For oil and jetting I look at (in priority order):

1) Engine performance (acceleration/power)
2) Spark plug condition
3) Engine wear
4) How much gunk is on my powervalve
5) Spooge

I make sure 1 - 4 are in good shape before I get too worried about spooge.

I found that 38:1 has less ring wear than 50:1. My 2 data points...

Top ring end gap increased 0.006" in 91 hours at 50:1

Top ring end gap increased 0.001" in 49 hours at 38:1

So, I let a little spooge drip. BTW, WD-40 works great for cleaning up spooge, even off your hands.
I last ran the amsoil interceptor at 44:1 or 40:1 depending on conditions.. The TC2 spooged more,, the PC isde silencer I built/modded/fabbed,, ok,, frankensilencer had little to no spooge.. only difference.. but it was slightly louder..