Cable across trails


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You guys be careful down under.
This was posted on facebook.

Wire strung out on the tracks at Cannock Chase

Amazing how some of the enviro's have such little regard for human life! I'm stunned they put dirt above there fellow man. Truly sad how low they have gotten.
pack of b'stards!
our govt in all its wisdom uses a heavy form of that braided cable for some roading guardrails!'cheese cutters'-potentially lethal to a motorcyclist
there are some absolute morons in this world!(the majority of which are in govt or environmental groups)
I think they mean Cannock Chase the moorland area in Staffordshire, England. Mountain bikes rather than enduro bikes. A quick search seems to suggest the photo could have come from anywhere, but has been doing the rounds on the web for sometime and is intended to put fear and doubt into the minds of people using trails.

In the UK, motorbikes only have legitimate access to something like 3% of the unsurfaced trails, but there are some very vocal organisations dedicated to eradicating us from 'their' trails. Normally the ramblers walk around in groups of thirty or so, but restrict their activities to shouting abuse and trying to cause confrontation, doing the real damage at local and national government level funding members of parliament etc. Landowners tend to be more threatening, although not much tends to come of it, although there was a news story of a farmer running over and killing a trail rider with his land rover a few years back. Bits of wood with big nails sticking out, scattered across the trail is the worst I have seen here.